Crispy Coconut Tofu with Burning Rings Of Fire
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36 Reviews
Andrea I.
March 10, 2021
I finally got around to making this and it was delicious, but mine had no burning rings of fire at all. I used some chilies from the market here in Bangkok where I live, but apparently, I chose the ones without much fire at all, lol. Anyway, the real reason I am writing is because I seem to be the only one who did not see what to do with the tofu after you set it aside in the recipe. Do you stir it into the sauce at the end (as I did, since it was just sitting there)? Or do you put it on the rice and ladle the sauce over it to keep it more crispy? Anyway, just want to let you know, that step is missing.
Ruth A.
October 3, 2017
I have been experimenting with tofu as well. But I cheat a little more. I did exactly what you do for the tofu and veggies but if you have an Asian market near you, they have this canned product by Karee called curry paste: they have sour curry paste, yellow sour curry paste, etc. You get my drift. Anyway, they are amazing and just a can opener away from some really good stuff.They tend to be on the spicy side but hey, that is all good for us. I too add the coconut milk, any style I have on the shelf, and this I serve with raw chopped cashews and/or scallions/basil/mint on top. These cans are $1.30 a piece. I use one whole one for a recipe that feeds about 4 people. Just a thought for you.
March 18, 2015
Tonight was the second time I made this, Delicious! Can't always find the exact peppers called for but I use what I find at the market. Long green ones, short wide dark ones, short little red ones, beets me what they are called! Curry adds a great twist. Made it with a yellow squash tonight instead of eggplant, carries the flavors well. Will put this in the regular dinner rotation. It's so good! Thank you
July 5, 2013
Regarding the use of paper towels to dry tofu, here is the method I use: after removing from container and rinsing under water, put tofu block in a colander set over a bowl. Place a plate over the tofu and a weight (such as a canned good) on top. Allow to drain at least 30 minutes. Pour off extra liquid and use. Dry the outside with one towel, if necessary.
Vic L.
September 8, 2012
Delicious dish, thanks so much for sharing. Next time spare the environment and drain your tofu on a bar mop.
August 11, 2012
This picture is really great--gives a real anticipation of the flavors and textures in a great recipe. Thanks for beefing up the tofu selections!
February 25, 2012
Suggestions on what to use instead of the eggplant? (It makes my tongue itch!)
February 25, 2012
I often use carrot, sweet potatoes, or pineapple. I put in water chestnuts and sometimes othe random vegetables I have lying about. Always good.
January 7, 2012
Just came across this recipe and will be trying it this week. I buy already-fried tofu at the market and will use that. Eliminates the draining and frying steps. I toss it in the wok to warm it up, often without additional oil.
August 25, 2011
I just wanted to make a sugestion, since you seem so guilty there about the whole paper towel deal ;) In Asia we usually use newspapers to absorb excess oil, I do also find that a bit disgusting so what I do is make the top layer a paper towel with the newspapers under.
August 25, 2011
Great idea! I had this for dinner last night and used a LOT of paper towels ....
August 11, 2011
Delicious!!!! Though, I broiled my tofu instead of frying it in oil b/c I generally like the texture better and it's healthier.
August 9, 2011
made this for dinner last night: best curry and best tofu dish i've made in a while! It was super easy to put together and really tasted special. the flavors melded together great, and the peppers delivered a serious lode of spicy. thanks for posting! this is entering my collection of "go to" recipes. :)
August 1, 2011
Some kind of spicy Asian curry is in our regular rotation...your version is definitely being added to it. Thanks!
July 27, 2011
...I fell in to a bowl of crispy tofu ... and it burned, burned, burned ... the crispy tofu... (I really hope someone out there gets that.)
August 1, 2011
hee hee - just saw this and totally got it - that song played in my head all week last week!!!!
August 1, 2011
So glad people got it. I love that man. How about ... Your Best Recipe Inspired by a Song? I'd say we would have a winner here.
July 27, 2011
This looks really delicious, aargersi. I like tofu but never cook with it; this recipe may change my mind. Saved!
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