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Green Chile & Chicken Posole Soup
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68 Reviews
March 30, 2021
Oh, I didn’t try Green Chile & Chicken Posole Soup Recipe. Now I can make it at home. So glad for sharing this recipe Now I can make it at home. It looks delicious. Now I can share your blog with my friend circle. I am so glad after seeing your recipe, Thanks for sharing this recipe. Food is one of the biggest topics of conversation online and offline. Keep it up, I am waiting for your next recipe!
October 1, 2020
Perfect timing!!!! I have 1/2 bag of Rancho Gordo Pozole left, Mexican oregano, already roasted, peeled hatch chilies & homemade chicken stock! That Pozole takes a LONG time to cook!
July 20, 2020
I have been making this basic recipe for decades. I poach chicken thighs, no skin but bone in in chicken stock. Then I have a wonderful base for the soup. Let teh chicken cool, then tear it up and addd with the rest of the ingredients. I have used both dried pose and canned hominy. I generally go with the canned hominy now. I like the versions that are canned with lime. Not the citrus, but the lime used to gt the skins of the kernels of hominy. Adds more authentic flavor, iMHO. But this is an amazing dish. don't get too stressed about the ingredients. It is an easy dish to pull together. I also note that there are two types of oregano floating around here in the US: A Turkish or European version, and Mexican Oregano. Certainly go with the Mexican one if you can. (Just like basil and Thai basil have to very different flavor profiles). Can be found in Mexican food sections in those till bags of spices--and Penzy's sells a nice version. Smell them side-by-side, and you will notice the difference. But enjoy this soup either way. It is delicious. According to my MIL it is not supposed to be spicy, but she likes to add a kick of habanero to the pot!
December 15, 2018
I just made this and it was amazingly delicious! I followed the recipe exactly except that my local Mexican grocery store either didn’t understand what I wanted or I didn’t really know how to say what I wanted, so I ended up with canned hominem. I really wanted to try to cook the hominey from dried, but it was not to be. Could someone give me an estimate of how much two cups of dried pozole equals in canned hominey? I’ll definitely make this again!
November 20, 2018
I have made this soup so many times and just LOVE it! It is the perfect winter soup packed with flavor. I always have used canned hominy and it tastes great. I throw in diced avo and cilantro and I am one happy camper.
November 25, 2017
We love this recipe. I've used canned hominy both times and one day I'll try the posole from day. This is such a good, comforting meal with fresh flour tortillas to dip in the soup. I finish off with a dolop of sour cream (or greek yogurt) and chopped cilantro...delish.
November 22, 2016
Do I still need to soak it overnight? Should I make us a day ahead, or is it better cooked and eaten same day?
March 18, 2016
UPDATE: Made this for the second time after a first attempt a year ago and it was *so* lovely. A rich chicken stock as the base I think was a huge factor, and I used that to poach the chicken breast, rather than roasting or grilling. Combined with the roasted peppers, lightly caramelized onions and fresh oregano and lime, it was packed with flavor. The only minor tweaks I made were punching up the heat with a bit of cayenne and letting the shredded cabbage simmer in the broth. Wonderfully comforting dish!
Darlene R.
November 23, 2015
Tried this recipe using all the hominy in the blender and added cilantro, it was delicious. Guests, guessed it to be creamed soup it was so hearty. The chicken breasts make this a very calorie careful meal so long as one is careful with the condiments. I preferred, a pinch of cojita cheese, two small cuts of avocado, lime and cabbage. Yum!!!
September 29, 2015
People really! Pozole, posole, it doesn't matter, we're just cooking here! Trying to enjoy experimenting with other cooks recipes. If you want to make it, fine, if not, then don't! This should be fun, educational and enjoyable for everyone! I'm finished...(-:
September 28, 2015
I didn't try it yet but it sounds like the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!! Ya gatta love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 8, 2015
I loved this soup! The store only had two Poblano chiles so I ended up with Anaheim instead. My parents LOVED this soup. It's a keeper ;)
February 27, 2015
Lovely dish; thank you. I admit to using canned hominy/posole, but I so loved this, the next time I will go for un-canned. This will be a repeated way to enjoy our roast chicken. These fresh, simple ingredients come together deliciously.
February 6, 2015
I made this last night for a friend of mine from Mexico. She raved on and on about it and called me this morning telling me that every time she thinks of my soup that her mouth waters and wants me to make it for her sister when she visits from Mexico. I did add 2 serrano peppers and simmered the chicken breasts in water and used that as part of the broth. So very grateful for this award winning recipe!
January 9, 2015
This is by no means pozole (which is spelled with a z), and no Mexican would ever spoil Poblano chillies like that!
January 9, 2015
Rodrigo while you are certainly entitled to your opinion, here at Food52 we maintain a positive and supportive community where constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome but we try to steer away from blanket judgment or assuming that our personal tastes should be reflected in every recipe. I would be willing to bet that there has been a roasted and blended poblano served in Mexico, and that it was as delicious as this soup is!!! I see that you are a new user here and I hope that you get years of enjoyment, education, and friendship from Food52!!!
January 9, 2015
Rodrigo, The dish made with hominy is called pozole in Mexico, but it is usually spelled posole in the US. I have spent very little time in Mexico and have spent a lot of time in New Mexico so that is one of the reasons I call it posole. Please don't be offended!
November 20, 2014
The recipe calls for 3-4 garlic cloves and the instructions tell you to cook the posole with the 3-4 garlic cloves. Do you take the garlic out of the posole and put it in the blender or do you put 3-4 more cloves in the blender?
November 20, 2014
Put the same garlic cloves that have been cooking in the soup into the blender. They are pretty easy to pick out of the soup. If not, I would suggest a breath mint after dinner.
March 30, 2014
I've made this twice. I wouldn't change a thing. Absolutely delish. AND, had enough leftover of first batch to freeze in foodsaver bag and it was even better. Anything pozole is wonderful to me!
March 29, 2014
I made this soup a couple of months ago and had enough to freeze. After thawing out a quart, I have to say it was even better. My next batch will be doubled, so I can freeze more :)
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