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Italian Stuffed Zucchini
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3 Reviews
October 25, 2023
If you don't pre-cook the zucchini halves, then they won't be soft enough after you're done. Your other option is to bake them for at least 60 minutes. I baked mine for 90 (60 covered, 30 not) and they were perfect. Also, the recipe doesn't say how long to leave the sweated onions and garlic sitting on your counter after you've finished. I threw mine out after a day and a half. Next time, I'm going to try mixing them into the filling right after the eggs are added. Otherwise, these were delicious.
September 15, 2021
This was quite tasty, but the zucchini was still way too firm when the filling and cheese was done. Next time, I would put the zucchini cut side down on a sheet tray, cover it with foil, and cook it by itself for 20-30 minutes before adding the filling, recovering, and finishing.
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