Beer and Bacon Braised Collard Greens
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7 Reviews
June 20, 2015
Delicious! I did switch it up a bit, as I have no sweet tooth at all: I used just a teaspoon or so of the brown sugar and added in some golden balsamic vinegar. Yum!
February 18, 2014
Used homebrewed barleywine for this. Out-freaking-standing. These collards would do my late Southern daddy proud, and I definitely thought about him while I was eating them. Thank you so much stirfrei!
December 22, 2011
I absolutely adore this recipe, I will never eat regular collards again because the flavor of this dish is so incredible. It is now my go to recipe.
kelly M.
October 13, 2011
yum, just did something similiar but with chicken stock and Zinfandel to pair with wild duck breast.
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