Caramelized Fennel, Leek, and Orange Salad
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44 Reviews
September 6, 2020
Flavours are great! I used pernod thought it worked well. Only comment is that the fennel was still pretty fibrous with this cooking time. Not sure if I would prefer it softer or crisper, so I will experiment further. Sugar and butter for the oranges separated for me, but still very delicious. I will use 2 oranges next time! Thank you for the recipe!
January 18, 2016
I did not have Sambuca or Ouzo but the recipe was still delicious. Is there another type of wine or liquor that would work in this recipe?
January 19, 2016
You could try Grand Marnier as it'd be nicely resonant of the oranges. But if you don't have a liquor and you still loved the flavor, keep going with that! :)
May 24, 2015
I wish the photos transferred with the recipe. Would be nice to have the picture printed with the recipe so I would know how it should look when finished.
December 25, 2013
Absolutely so freaking delicious. I snuck a tiny piece of orange before the salad was complete (cook's prerogative), and it was divine. The coriander is magical. The salad is just divine. My only thought would be to cut the leeks longer and thicker; mine seemed to burn a bit before the fennel had a chance to brown.
December 25, 2013
Thank you so much for writing, frizz! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the salad!! :)
April 18, 2013
Emily, my suspicions were right. This salad is utterly delicious and wonderfully original even though it follows a wonderful tradition of flavors. The hint of coriander is really the twist that reveals. Here in Central California the wild fennel is an invasive weed. I think you have just taught me how to embrace it. Thank You.
PS. I've got some fresh sardines. Have you tried the sardine pasta "Best Seafood Pasta" recipe?
PS. I've got some fresh sardines. Have you tried the sardine pasta "Best Seafood Pasta" recipe?
April 18, 2013
Thank you!! I'm so happy you already made and tried it!!
I've not tried the sardine pasta- if you go that route for dinner, let me know what you think!
I've not tried the sardine pasta- if you go that route for dinner, let me know what you think!
April 17, 2013
Congratulations. I am going to make this today. I have oranges and fennel in the garden and lots of the wild kind for the fronds. What would you suggest about the proportion of ground coriander to sugar as I am going to concoct this one myself?
I'm thinking of serving this with tuna steaks slow poached in olive oil. Thanks for your advice. By the way I looked at all the wonderful recipes you have saved and I think you will be one of my barometers.
I'm thinking of serving this with tuna steaks slow poached in olive oil. Thanks for your advice. By the way I looked at all the wonderful recipes you have saved and I think you will be one of my barometers.
April 17, 2013
Thank you so much, fhp. What a flattering, kind note! I would freshly crack whole coriander seeds and maybe start w/ a 1/2 tsp of that. You can always add more when you sprinkle the fennel and leek slices if you find the dish light on coriander flavor. Let me know how it turns out! :)
April 11, 2013
Yay, Emily! Coriander sugar!!! Sadly, I am the only fennel eater in my house but I will make this for myself someday soon.
April 11, 2013
Congratulations Emily! I was lucky enough to get to test this recipe and we loved it! We had it for lunch on Easter before our Easter egg hunt and big Easter supper.
April 11, 2013
Oh wow, Emily, thanks!! I'm so glad you tried and enjoyed it!! Thanks so much!
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