Beef (or Prosciutto Ham) Chive Okonomiyaki with Homemade Chuno Sauce
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12 Reviews
January 24, 2013
can anybody tell me what makes okonomiyaki flour different from regular flour ?
Thanks !
Thanks !
January 24, 2013
Hi. Okonomiyaki flour includes yam flour and seasonings - typically scallop or shrimp. The addition of yam flour makes it more glutinous. You can learn all about okonomiyaki ingredients in depth at http://okonomiyakiworld.com. Thanks!
February 27, 2013
I use all regular all-purpose flour. You can add grated yama imo (mountain potato) or shrimp and scallops separately, if you like. That way you can separate those individual allergies to each person's separate portion.
May 16, 2012
LeBecFin, I think your comment got dropped, I'm curious what your mon said????
LeBec F.
April 28, 2012
tokyogal, your comment about your son reminds me of what my mom always used to say about Southerners- !!
LeBec F.
April 28, 2012
This is super; going to make it soon! (Slightly off topic , but did you know- the Japanese invented Tonkatsu sauce to replicate Worcestershire sauce from the British? That's what I read, anyway!) Love seeing your camelia; fun to see what's blooming in Japan compared to our arboretum here in boston! the sakura are peaking now.
May 9, 2012
LBF, thanks for your kind words. My irises just started blooming, and my botan has too.
April 27, 2012
Looks great - nice photo! If you want to learn more about traditional okonomiyaki check out http://okonomiyakiworld.com for lots of recipe variations, ingredient descriptions, etc. Have fun!
May 8, 2012
I can tell by your name you are a huge fan- really a versatile base for your imagination! Thanks for your kind remarks.
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