Crunchy Avocado with Sweet Chili Mayo
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9 Reviews
June 20, 2012
oh wow! looks like we were both inspired by the amazing mighty cone! your interpretation looks fantastic!
July 5, 2012
Thanks ~ I just saw this comment now after posting similar on yours. Congrats on being a finalist- you got MY vote!
July 5, 2012
thank you so much, savorthis! i felt bad after i submitted my recipe and noticed that you had posted a mighty cone-inspired avocado days before me. but it was fun to see that we had come up with similar ratios for the coating! you've got a really impressive recipe collection here- let me know if you've got plans to visit austin again!
July 5, 2012
You're welcome. I would pick a taco over a little appetizer any day :) My sister lives there so while I will not go there any time that is considered summer, I will definitely be there within the next year and I'd love to meet up!
June 14, 2012
Oh, these look delicious and positively addictive! So many great textures and the batter especially!
June 14, 2012
This looks fantastic, and your photo is lovely.
June 14, 2012
Thanks! I think I gained 5 pounds last night between sampling these and then eating the actual chicken cone dinner with more...not to mention leftovers for lunch today. Sigh.
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