Grilled Shiitake and Edamame Salad
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21 Reviews
August 21, 2012
this is amazing - if edamame is not your favorite, i think fresh green beans or broccoli would work just as well. it was perfect tossed in with quinoa!
August 21, 2012
So happy to hear this, chelsbest! I agree with you on the green beans/broccoli -- and adding quinoa is a great idea for a more substantial dish. Thanks so much for trying this and reporting back!
August 30, 2012
I tested it, too, and brought it to a dinner party. It was fantastic! My friends already told me that we would have to bring it to the next dinner party! Thank you for a great recipe!
August 30, 2012
I tested it, too, and brought it to a dinner party. It was fantastic! My friends already told me that we would have to bring it to the next dinner party! Thank you for a great recipe!
Devangi R.
August 14, 2012
This is what I am going to make is really delicious summertime salad...
August 14, 2012
I love shiitake and edamame and love the idea of grilling them to make THIS salad. YUM.
August 14, 2012
Thanks gingerroot! My husband and I found it a really nice change from our typical grilled veggie routine.
August 13, 2012
love the flavor combination! just lovely!
August 13, 2012
Thanks arielleclementine! The flavor combination is really good, but it can't compete with the fun factor of your edamame dish! : )
August 13, 2012
Orange zest does go nicely with all those flavors! Looks lovely.
August 13, 2012
Thanks so much, savorthis! I kinda want to put zest on everything (but in this case it's not superfluous)...I frustrate my husband who often finds naked oranges, limes, and lemons strewn about on the counter!
August 13, 2012
This sounds delicious! I definitely want to try some grilled edamame, as well as the gomashio.
August 13, 2012
Thanks HLA! The gomashio is a really nice way to add flavor and a little texture. This salad has inspired me to use it more often!
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