
boild carrot&shungiku with sesame sause(goma-ae)

December  2, 2009
0 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

"Shungiku" is young edible leaf of chrysanthemum . It's very popular winter vegetable in Japan. You can use spinach as an alternative for it. Sesame sauce are very useful for any boiled vegetables. It's added no oil, only fat of sesame itself. "goma" means sesame, "ae" means "mix together". —burio

  • 1/2 carrot
  • 1 bunch shungiku
  • 1/2 tablespoon suger
  • 1 tablespoon japanese sake
  • 1 tablespoon soy sause
  • 3 tablespoons sesami
  1. Boil shungiku for 1min, rinse with cold water, and cut into 1 inch long . Chop carrot into match stick long, boil it for 1min.
  2. Put sesame into pan, stir fry until one or two sesame start jumping.
  3. Make sesame sauce. Let sesame cool until it become room temperature. Grind them with mortar and pestle. Put sugar, sake, soy-sauce into mortar and grind with pestle each time.
  4. Mix boiled vegetables with sesame sauce.

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1 Review

hana December 25, 2010
Can you substitute tahini for grinding roasted sesame?