Coconut-Almond Pudding Cake
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15 Reviews
May 21, 2013
Oh, that look so, so good! Another appealing, inventive and truly outstanding recipe, Kukla. ;o)
May 21, 2013
Thank you AJ!!! I submitted this recipe to “Your Best Recipe With Cereal” contest and decided that since this recipe has coconut all throughout the cake it’ll be just right to submit it to this “Your Best Coconut” contest also.
LeBec F.
April 26, 2013
well kukla, you just keep getting better and better. What a brilliant chef you are! And now I can finally use the coconut flour I have had in the freezer awaiting inspiration. The only change I'm making is the addition of cardamom (yes, I know some 52ers are so OVER cardamom, but I just can't help myself!!) This is going to be such fun. I've never made a pudding cake before but soon I will no longer be able to say that! thx so much for your continuing inspiration.
April 26, 2013
Thanks a lot Mindy!!! Because I really treasure your opinion, I’ll wait impatiently for the verdict from you! About the cardamom; I don’t have anything against it, just for my taste coconut, almond and vanilla land enough flavor for this dish.
April 10, 2013
Because I love coconut baked goods and ice cream, I am going to try this...sounds wonderful
April 10, 2013
I will be very glad to hear your opinion and suggestions loubaby, because I created this recipe and baked it for the first time. Please do not hesitate to be honest. Thanks for the comment!
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