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Chocolate Balsamic Vinegar Macaroons
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18 Reviews
December 10, 2017
In the printed recipe book (from FOOD52 - BAKING) - it calls for 3 egg whites, whereas here it's 2. Everything else is the same...any thoughts??
January 21, 2016
These came out too soft so there was no texture variation, even when the edges and bottom were well browned - I increased baking by 3 minutes and any longer would have burnt them. How far are we supposed to beat the egg whites? I did until foamy and the batter was very wet (not sticky at all).
March 29, 2015
Has anyone tried this with a chocolate balsamic? I happen to have some but wonder if it might be too much.
December 17, 2013
Hi, I didn't see any info on how best to store them and how long they will keep? I'd like to make them for Christmas but hoped to do so ahead of time. Thanks!!
December 17, 2013
Hi Sthornenyc - Unfortunately, like most coconut macaroons, these really only have a shelf life of about 3-4 days, so they might not suit your needs :( I just store them in an airtight container or ziploc bag.
December 17, 2013
It's possible that you could freeze them once they are baked, but I have NOT tested this.
December 17, 2013
Thanks so much. I will make a small batch today and freeze some to see how they hold up and will let you know.
Diana N.
November 14, 2013
What is a basamic glaze?
November 14, 2013
More info on that in the "Author Notes" at the top of the recipe, Diana. Let me know if you have any questions!
July 8, 2013
Mine came out a lot darker than the pictures show. More like chocolate-y colored coconut, and it's not because the chips melted. Perhaps it's the balsamic I used?
July 9, 2013
Hi Kt4 - hmmmm, yes could be because of the balsamic. Also - everybody's oven and baking sheets bake a little differently, so that could be it as well? How did they taste?
Ann S.
June 7, 2013
Congratulations! Loved testing your macaroons, and quite honestly, I'm not much of a macaroon fan. These ones are an entirely different animal—and so easy to pull together. Simply delightful.
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