
Fresh Sage Pizza Appetizer

June 25, 2013
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  • Serves 6 as appetizer; 4 as part of main dish when accompanied by soup
Author Notes

Last summer I grew fresh herbs in little pots as I wouldn't be having time for a big garden. One of my first experiments with Fresh sage leaves became our favorite. —Jane Chang

  • 1 Storebought, thin pizza crust.
  • 2 bunches fresh sage leaves, washed and patted dry
  • 2-3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry red pepper flakes
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1-2 cups cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 6 Scallions, washed and cut diagonally into 1" strips.
  • 1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
  1. Preheat oven to BROIL.
  2. Brush pizza crust (both sides) with 2 Tablespoons of the olive oil and set on baking sheet. Set under broiler and watch carefully until, first one side, then the 2nd, browns a bit. Remove from oven and set aside, but keep broiler on.
  3. In a medium size frying pan, melt butter on med-high heat. Place sage leaves in one layer into pan and watch carefully as they begin to crisp up. Turn them over to get both sides crisp and evenly cooked. Gently remove sage leaves from pan onto a paper towel and sprinkle with a little salt.
  4. Into same pan, add 1 Tbsp. of olive oil and cherry tomatoes. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tomatoes are soft. Add sliced scallions and cook about 1 more minute, stirring frequently.
  5. ASSEMBLE PIZZA: Spread tomato/scallion mixture evenly onto pizza crust. Lightly crush sage leaves and sprinkle them all over. Sprinkle parmesan cheese and desired amount of red pepper flakes. Place under broiler until cheese is melted and pizza is hot.
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