5 Ingredients or Fewer

Kale Salad Lyonnaise

January 16, 2014
0 Ratings
  • Serves 2 for a main dish or 4 side salads
Author Notes

Recently when my parents were visiting, we got to reminiscing about one period in my youth, following a family trip to Paris, when all my father wanted to eat was frisee with lardons and poached eggs: Salad Lyonnaise. Now my parents are mostly vegetarian and fond of kale salads, so I made a version for them which substituted crispy fried shallots for the lardons and used the shallot-scented oil in a hot vinaigrette to coat the kale leaves. The kale was a perfect foil for the runny egg yokes and the crispy fried shallots added a wonderfully deep, caramelized flavor that I liked even better than bacon. —Fairmount_market

  • 1 bunch lacinato kale
  • 2 shallots
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • 4 eggs, seperated
  1. Rinse the kale leaves, cut out the center stems, and chop into 1 inch ribbons. Dry thoroughly.
  2. Prepare the crispy fried shallots. Peel and chop the shallots. Heat a wok or skillet and warm the oil. Add a piece of shallot and if it sizzles, add the rest of the shallots and a generous pinch of salt. Cook the shallot pieces over medium low heat, stirring frequently, until they develop a deep brown color, but without burning. Remove the shallots with a slotted spoon and reserve. To the shallot-scented oil add the vinegar and heat, stirring, for a minute. Now drizzle the hot vinaigrette over the kale and toss to coat. Sample a leaf and add salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Heat water in a wide pan for poaching the eggs. When the water is just at a gentle bubble, poach four eggs following the instructions on food52, such that the yokes are still runny (they will serve to further dress the kale leaves in the salad). You can also poach the eggs ahead of time and reheat them gently in a bath of hot water.
  4. Assemble the salads by plating the dressed kale, top with a poached egg or two, and sprinkle over the crispy fried shallots. Eat right away.

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I'm a biology professor and mother of two, and in my (limited) free time I love to cook, which is much more forgiving than laboratory science. Last year I helped start a farmers market in my neighborhood, and to promote it, I created a food blog: fairmountmarket.blogspot.com. I enjoy the challenge of coming up with recipes for local, seasonal ingredients and finding fun ways to cook with my children.

3 Reviews

healthierkitchen January 17, 2014
Love this vegetarian version - terrific update of a classic!
Fairmount_market January 18, 2014
Thanks! I'm slightly obsessed with crispy fried shallots and scallions these days, because they are so flavorful.
healthierkitchen January 18, 2014
I love them too!