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Chai Baked Oatmeal
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15 Reviews
April 6, 2015
This is fantastic! Made it for a family gathering and everyone enjoyed it.
March 8, 2014
I'm making this tomorrow morning - which I just realized in horror is Spring Forward time change day! Horror because the thought of my little kids ingesting even the tiniest bit of caffeine in the tea may make the longest day ever! Ha! So I will be making a little masala of spices sans tea - I will report back about the effectiveness. A delicious-looking recipe. Thanks for sharing it :)
March 9, 2014
Huge hit with the whole family! I did omit the tea (concerns about monsters keep us up enough) so I steeped a cinnamon stick, part of a star anise, a small handful of green cardamom pods, two black peppercorns and five slices of fresh ginger in the milk in lieu of the tea blend. It was tough to wait through the steeping and baking time for the youngest (who feasted on the pears before the oatmeal was ready and was greatly appeased) so I think in the future, a person could steep the milk the night before and refrigerate it, which would speed things up a bit. Thank you for this delicious breakfast :)
Mary R.
February 19, 2014
This was delicious. I cut open a chai tea bag, steeped the loose tea in milk, and then strained. I subbed some bulgar wheat and millet in for some of the oatmeal--it probably made for a heartier dish, but I will use all oatmeal next time. I cooked bananas in butter and maple syrup to top the oatmeal which was delicious.
February 9, 2014
Oh my. I eat Steel Cut Oats almost every day. I think it might be worth it to buy some regular oats and give this recipe a try. It sounds wonderful (and I like the idea of trying pears with oatmeal).
February 9, 2014
Is there a reason for using loose chai? Could I also use chai in a tea bag?
February 9, 2014
I find that loose tea steeps better because it winds up having more surface area exposed when you dump it in the milk, however, tea bags should work too.
February 7, 2014
I live in Portugal where is quite difficult to find maple syrup. Can I substitute maple syrup for 1/3 of a cup of brown sugar?
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