5 Ingredients or Fewer
Grilled Chocolate Sandwiches
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12 Reviews
Caroline N.
August 24, 2022
I haven't made these yet, but they look delicious. However, I don't think that 1 teaspoon of butter is going to be anywhere near enough to "Butter one side of each slice of bread generously"! I think a tablespoon or two will be closer to the actual amount needed, unless you are using really tiny pieces of bread.
Donna H.
July 21, 2016
I'm thinking a shmear of cream cheese in there, perhaps some sour cherries....mmmm.
June 9, 2015
I've done something similar in a panini press: slice a sweet challah, cover with a thin slice of chocolate-chip studded brie, top with a few chopped basil leaves, at a top slice of the bread and toast. So, so good.
Karen L.
March 22, 2015
20 years ago, we used to do this as a campground dessert. Bollillo rolls work well too.
Monica M.
July 29, 2014
I made this with my 9-year old recently. He was shocked by the idea and totally sold now. Very delicious and such a fun thing to make and eat! Thanks.
Rick F.
July 25, 2014
Do you butter both the inside and outside, or just the outside? If 1 side is good, wouldn't both be better?
Pam S.
July 23, 2014
O.M.G. Why haven't I thought of doing this on the grill before? I make nutella and banana sandwiches in a cast iron skillet, but it could easily be done on the grill, esp. after it has cooled down a bit.
July 19, 2014
I know this is an older post... but just had to say my grand-dad made these for me in the 1950's. We called them "chocolate chammiches"
Mark P.
April 8, 2014
I have 2 similar variations:
1. Add dried cherries re-constituted in vanilla+brandy to the middle.
2. Put Goat Cheese on one side, chocolate chips on the other.
1. Add dried cherries re-constituted in vanilla+brandy to the middle.
2. Put Goat Cheese on one side, chocolate chips on the other.
rebecca R.
February 27, 2014
Oh lordy, lordy, Lord. I almost wish I hadn't seen this. Thus far, my one significant contribution to culinary adventure has been broiled bread and butter sprinkled, artfully, with chocolate chips. I claim to have invented this and share my recipe, occasionally, with select friends. "Do you know of other kinds of things like that to make?", they'll ask me after their success. And now you've taken the concept to a whole new (caloric) level. Chocolate, artisan bread, butter & sea salt. With peanut butter (& Nutella!) variations. As if your gourmet cocoa brownies hadn't caused enough suspicion around here. The first time I made them: Son: "OMG. You did not MAKE THOSE." "I did." Son: "There is NO way YOU made those." "But I did. And I even made them without actual chocolate." Son: "What is going on around here?" Since we have at least 4-5 more days of below zero here in the nation's Artic wasteland vortex, I may spend it eating chocolate sandwiches. Thanks, Alice!
May 20, 2014
Which gourmet cocoa brownies are you talking about? I'm quite intrigued and you'll be totally right if you suspect hungry, too ;)
February 26, 2014
I've done something similar. I've added peanut butter. Instead of the stove, I just toasted two slices of bread. On one side I put some chocolate on there and since to toaster oven is still hot, I slide that piece of bread back in there to help melt the chocolate. While that is going, I spread peanut butter on the other slice of bread. I take the other piece of bread out of the toaster, smooth out the chocolate and put the two slices of bread together. Mmmm...peanut butter and chocolate...fantastic combination.
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