Overnight Toasted Oat and Quinoa Bowl
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6 Reviews
March 28, 2014
Do you rinse the quinoa? I'm trying to figure out how you get rid of the bitterness. Or do the banana + date take care of that? I cannot picture rinsing and then toasting the quinoa . . . . ;o)
March 28, 2014
Hi AJ, You know I've become accustomed to not rinsing quinoa when I'm toasting it. It does not, to my palate, taste bitter. Incidentally, the brand I buy from Costco Nature's Wild
March 28, 2014
Oops! sorry about that, somehow that posted mid-sentence. Nature's Wild Grains Organic Quinoa claims to be pre-washed and states that no further rinsing is necessary. Whether or not that is true is another story but in any case I do not rinse my quinoa before toasting. I did read another recipe that calls for rinsing first, assuring the reader that it will toast when the water evaporates. In any case, if you give this a try I'd love to hear your thoughts.
March 25, 2014
What an interesting method! I have been a slave to the overnight slow cooker oatmeal but this is really intriguing. It seems you could almost eat it as is like muesli (with shredded apples too) OR heat it up. And I hear you on the crazed mornings. It's pure insanity- over and over and over again!
March 28, 2014
Thank you savorthis! I'd love to know what you think if you give this a try.
March 23, 2014
I just had a beet, greens, and fresh ricotta salad that was dressed with a vinaigrette and sprinkled with popped quinoa. LOVE the popped quinoa and think it would be awesome in your porridge!
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