Grilled Baby Bok Choy with Miso Butter
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4 Reviews
January 19, 2021
I had already prepped the bok choy into stem chunks and ribbons of leaves before I went searching for a recipe. As it was too close to dinner to heat up the grill and such, I went ahead with modifications. Sauteed the stem pieces in cast iron skillet on high heat. When still crisp, stirred in the miso/coconut oil paste and then the ribbons of leaves. Added back the tofu that I had just prior fried until crisp in that same skillet. Sprinkled over the lemon juice. It was divine! My tub of white miso lived for years undisturbed in the back of the fridge so I was a bit worried. Now I have a wonderful way to use it up. Maybe less ancient miso will taste even more amazing.
Katy I.
July 20, 2020
Delicious simple recipe! We have a tabletop indoor grill without a lid but that worked perfectly. Love the idea of dressing the leaves separately so they don't burn. Mine came out just a touch too salty, probably based on my miso, so I would cut back to 2 or 2.5T next time, and there will definitely be a next time!
July 5, 2019
The umami from the miso and the sour of the lemon complement each other beautifully, paired with something sweet, such as duck breast, trout or pork this is a wonderful side!
April 28, 2019
This was a big hit! I planted a lot of bok choy in my garden this year and needed to cook up the first harvest. I used coconut oil instead of butter, and added a tiny bit of toasted sesame oil into the mix. I cooked them on the cast iron grill pan and had no issues. Squeezed fresh lemon on top right before serving. We ate all of it in one sitting!
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