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Persian Chicken Stew in Walnut and Pomegranate Sauce (Fesenjan)
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9 Reviews
August 12, 2021
Found it a little bit too tart and I only had ½ cup of pomegranate instead of ¾ of a cup. I put in about 2 teaspoons of honey and got a nice balance.
November 8, 2020
We absolutely loved this dish. I was blessed by a gift of pomegranates from friends, and spent part of an afternoon juicing. Added the juice plus a splash of chicken stock in step 2. The only thing I would modify would be to reduce the cardamom a bit. I have a few fruits left, so hoping to make it again this week!
October 27, 2020
This was delicious, even though I had no walnuts on ha d and used pistachios instead. The pomegranate molasses were a revelation—and not overly sweet.
Irene S.
July 24, 2017
I am cooking this now and it tastes amazing. I am using bone-in skin-on thighs and adjusting the cooking time of the chicken a bit but I can not wait to sit down to a plate of this.
Beautiful, M.
August 30, 2015
Thank you so much for the Community Pick! Sylvie, your review was the loveliest compliment ever!
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