
Fizzy Strawberry Lemonade Jellies

May  8, 2014
0 Ratings
  • Serves 8
Author Notes

Fizzy Strawberry Jellies are very easy to make and are yet so temptingly delicious. —FAGE UK

  • 500 grams TOTAL Greek Yoghurt
  • 2 packets strawberry jelly
  • 1 liter low sugar lemonade
  • 400 grams English strawberries
  • 1 handful fresh chopped mint
  1. Remove the green leaf and stalk from the strawberries, cut in half and divide equally between eight tumblers.
  2. Make up jelly to manufacturer’s guidelines, but replace cold water with an equal quantity of the lemonade.
  3. Set in fridge for 4 – 6 hrs.
  4. When the jelly is set, spoon a dollop of TOTAL Greek Yoghurt on to the top of each glass and sprinkle over some chopped mint.

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1 Review

Alicefive September 3, 2021
I made this and I really enjoyed it! But in the United States, low sugar lemonade is sugar free lemonade from a powdered mix or “lite” pre made lemonade from the cooler section. In Great Britain lemonade is actually soda like Sprite or 7 Up. That is what is called for in this recipe. Hence the “fizzy” in the name of the recipe.