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Smoky Tempeh & Hummus Sandwiches
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8 Reviews
Taylor S.
January 17, 2017
I love this tempeh and am so glad I learned a new technique- to simmer the tempeh for 10 minutes to take away some of the bitterness.
robin L.
May 23, 2016
I made this this morning (yum!), using your Vegan cookbook. Looking forward to trying more from the book!
Matti A.
October 29, 2014
I make a version of this all the time. It really helps to steam the tempeh about 10 minutes before you marinade.
Manhattan T.
July 21, 2014
These were interesting and tasty! I got my tempeh and pea shoots at Trader Joe's, but Whole Foods also carries both. Marinated the tempeh for 4 hours but next time would go longer. Pan fried it in a teeny bit of olive oil so it'd be crispy; I also sauteed half an onion to go on the sandwiches and would do so next time. Skipped the smoked paprika in the hummus (we're not fans) and used only 1/2 tsp. each smoked & regular Hungarian paprika in the marinade. I'd also skip the $2.49 on pea shoots since they made it really hard to eat & came out by the awkward mouthfull on each bite; next time I'll use spring greens or arugula. Next time I could see adding a hit of sriracha or harissa to the hummus, which was great -- even without the additional olive oil (I have a tendency to think of added oils as superfluous. I know: it's annoying. I save my calories -- fat or otherwise -- for wine). I'll make these again and use this recipe as a springboard. Healthy and tasty!
July 14, 2014
will be making 100 of these for my preschool vegan kids, will let you know how it turns out.
June 20, 2014
I've been looking, hard, but couldn't find tempeh, so used baked tofu. Marinated it about 15 minutes, then pan fried on low, until all the sauce had become a deliciously sticky coating. I did everything else, as per the recipe ... this was the most amazing sandwich I've had in a very long time. Definitely a tasty go-to for when vegan friends come to visit!
August 24, 2014
Me too Chris, I could not find tempeh. Now Trader Joe's sells tempeh. But I like it better with tofu. However, I do not use bake tofu. I use extra firm tofu. I cut into slices and wrap them in a clean dishtowel to absorb the moisture, and follow the recipe. PERFECT!
October 29, 2014
I eventually found two different types of tempeh, and tried them both. I definitely prefer the tofu, though DH surprisingly enjoyed the tempeh. Whichever, this is a delicious sandwich. Thanks for the tip about wrapping the tofu in a towel.
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