Mashed Potatoes with Ricotta and Roasted Aromatics
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6 Reviews
April 4, 2011
Made this last night and will definitely be making again! What a great {and delicious} idea...ricotta in mashed potatoes. Mmmmm...
March 17, 2011
I've stirred cream cheese into mashed potatoes, but never ricotta. Sounds delish especially with the aromatics added!
December 27, 2010
I made these for Christmas dinner to go with spice rubbed roasted lamb -- AJ, these potatoes were delicious. You are so right, I did not miss the typical full of cream and butter mashed potatoes one bit! I will definitely be making these again in the future. Thanks for a lovely recipe.
Maria T.
February 3, 2010
Cooking potatoes in meat stock!!! Now that's something I had never thought of. Next time I'll try this method. I also like how light you make the mashed potatoes! Brilliant recipe. Thanks for sharing it.
February 3, 2010
Thank you!! Well, the beef broth comes from (a) a habit when I was younger and a devout "section eater" of always saving the potatoes in beef stew until last, then mashing them with whatever gravy was in the bowl and (b) an appreciation of really great beef broth, going back to when I was 25, newly married, living in NY and shopping at the Jefferson Market, where the kind butchers gave me any kind of bones that I wanted, for free, and plenty of friendly and helpful advice on how to use virtually every cut of meat they sold. I learned more about cooking from those guys than you would ever imagine. Fortunately, all these years later -- it's been 25 years since I moved to California -- I have similarly helpful and cheerful butchers within an even better grocery store. Beef broth is the easiest thing in the world to make, and one of the truly great base ingredients for so many things -- especially mashed potatoes!!
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