Make Ahead

Nutty Granola

July 19, 2014
0 Ratings
  • Serves 8-10
Author Notes

My pantry staple – Homemade Granola; for it's a recipe you can change up as you will with different nuts, seeds, dried fruits.. the possibilities are endless! Think crisp, perfectly browned oats accented with the nutty aroma of the toasted nuts and sweetness of dried fruits, mmMmhmm.

These store well in an air-tight container and are great as a quick go to breakfast, served with milk; or simply on its own as a takeaway for work. Just a simple recipe here, and because what you're working with here are ratios, all you have to do is to grab a mug and measure out your ingredients with the given for starters and subsequently change it up to your own liking when you make another batch. Have fun! —chloe

  • Ingredients
  • 3.5 cups rolled oats
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • ½ cups almond flakes
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons sweetener of choice (agave syrup, honey, brown sugar)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoons salt
  • ½ cups dried cranberries
  • ¼ cups golden raisins
  • Optional/Substitutes (just some other ingredients you could experiment with according to your liking)
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseeds
  • 0.5 cups sunflower seeds/pumpkin seeds
  1. Preheat oven to 140ºC/280F fan.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine rolled oats and nuts. (Optional: If you choose to add in cinnamon powder or cocoa powder, add it in at this stage as well)
  3. In a saucepan over low heat, add the butter and sweetener and heat slowly till completely melted and combined.
  4. Turn off the heat and mix in the salt and vanilla extract.
  5. Add the contents of the saucepan to the oats and gently stir till homogenous.
  6. Transfer the oats to a baking sheet and spread evenly over the surface area.
  7. Place baking sheet in the middle rack of the oven for 40 minutes, removing them from the oven every 10-15 minutes to mix the oats around for even browning.
  8. When done, remove from oven and sprinkle in the dried cranberries and raisins. Give it a thorough mix through and let cool to room temperature before storing in an airtight container.

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