Cast Iron

Fried Quinoa with Crispy Eggplant and Bok Choy

September 19, 2014
3 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

This Fried Quinoa recipe is the perfect late-night pick-me-up, which tastes even better the next day. Salty, fatty, and lip smacking delicious, this recipe is not only addictive, but good for both your body and soul. —Tasty Plan

  • 1 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 2 cups vegetable broth or water
  • 1 pinch sea or kosher salt
  • 1 cup eggplant, cubed small
  • 2 tablespoons neutral vegetable oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
  • 1 small onion, diced small
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce (use tamari for gluten-free)
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 tablespoon rice miso paste
  • 1 inch knob fresh garlic, peeled and grated
  • 1 bunch Chinese cabbage (bok chou)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 handful fresh cilantro
  • 2 green onions, sliced thin
  • 1 tablespoon roasted peanuts or sunflower seeds
  1. Place quinoa in a large bowl with enough water to cover it by an inch. Using your hand stir quinoa a couple times, then drain through a sieve.
  2. In a pot, place 2 cups of vegetable broth or water with 1 cup of quinoa and a pinch of salt. Bring water to a boil, and then reduce heat to medium high. Simmer until most of the water has been absorbed.
  3. Turn heat to low, cover and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Quinoa is cooked when translucent, a small white ring will emerge around the grain when ready. Remove from heat and set aside until ready to use.
  4. To make Fried Quinoa, place a cast iron pan over high heat. When cast iron is hot, add a tablespoon of oil and cubed eggplant. Cook stirring minimally for about ten minutes. Eggplant should be soft throughout and crispy on the edges
  5. While eggplant cooks place another large sauté pan over high heat. Add another tablespoon of oil, diced onions and garlic.
  6. Reduce heat to medium and sweat vegetables until translucent and soft (about 5-8 minutes).
  7. In a separate cup whisk together soy sauce, miso paste, and ginger. Add soy-miso paste into the pan and stir. Reduce heat to low.
  8. Add cooked quinoa and eggplant. Stir until well incorporated.
  9. Moving quickly, add thinly sliced cabbage into the pan, cover for a couple of minutes, until cabbage starts to wilt.
  10. Whisk two eggs together then pour over quinoa. Stirring constantly for two minutes until softly scrambled and well incorporated into the quinoa. Remove from heat.
  11. Add Chopped cilantro, green onions and peanuts over quinoa. Serve immediately with a side of soy sauce.

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1 Review

Chenine L. May 23, 2018
The knob of garlic should be knob of ginger. Be sure not to overcook the eggplant when it’s by self, only cook until slightly tender since it will cook to wilt the bok choy and eggs.