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Lynne Curry's Prime Rib with Mustard and Herb Butter
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58 Reviews
April 9, 2023
I love this recipe for preparing a small roast - the herb butter is always a hit for making the gravy. Truth be told, I just whip the butter with the herbs and lather it on the roast....and haven't had any complaints.
December 25, 2017
I've used this herb butter many times now for my roasts (have tried it with all cuts of beef!), and I love it! Now, I want to try to sous vide my prime rib, but how do I incorporate the herb rub? After the sous vide process?
December 21, 2017
HI! My first time making Prime Rib for a party, so a little nervous! Some questions.... I really like the seasonings of this recipe and that it’s for a boneless prime rib (the only type I can find in Puerto Rico right now) but also found another recipe in cooks illustrated, that talks about the advantage of “dry aging” the meat up to 96 hours before in the fridge, for more tender meat. Do you see an advantage to this? Can I combine both techniques?
December 21, 2017
Karla - you can totally do both. I always do. The dry aging really helps to develop the crust. Even if only for 24 hours to pull the moisture off of the outer surface
Nick B.
December 21, 2017
I always dry age my cuts. It helps the crust. Also I recommend against the reverse sear. I get the science behind it, but practically it is really hard to time it well. Instead go for the regular sear. Yes you will lose 1/4 inch of pink meat, but hey, who said a thicker crust wasn't delicious?
December 21, 2017
Nick, thanks for the feedback. It’s hard to know what to do. So many recipes now are suggesting reverse sear. Have you had negative experiences with that technique? I’ve always seared my meats first.
Nick B.
December 25, 2017
When it works, it works as advertised. However when it doesnt works, you take the risk of overcooking the whole piece of meat. This technique from my experience is finicky and requires some trial and error. Direct sear on the other hand is full proof. The only risk is to overcook the edges a little more than you had wished for. Which is generally a matter of preference anyway. I know this comment goes against most cooking blogs, but remember that those blogs are written mostly by chef or people with longtime experience in the kitchen
November 20, 2018
The article recommends against timing it but rather using a thermometer. I have only used this method twice but both times it worked great.
Andrea D.
January 17, 2017
Prepared my boneless rib roast for Christmas this way and it turned out PERFECTLY!!! I was nervous about this technique, but followed the instructions (I rested the roast for about an hour) and the results make me look like a culinary hero. So... Reverse Sear Forever!
November 24, 2016
Reverse searing great idea, however I have a small kitchen with way too much going on and too many people and commotion... BTW. I am sooo afraid to ruin this expensive meat for a new yrs eve meal for 10!
So, can I sear the meat in the morning and put it in the fridge. Take it out an hour before I put it in the oven to finish cooking? Will that work to give me a nice roast also? Thank you one and all for your comments...
So, can I sear the meat in the morning and put it in the fridge. Take it out an hour before I put it in the oven to finish cooking? Will that work to give me a nice roast also? Thank you one and all for your comments...
Rural E.
December 19, 2016
Hi Susan, I understand the small kitchen problem, but I would not recommend the method you propose. (I'm the author of this recipe, btw, and a beef cookbook.) If you're worried about space, the best thing to do is to slow roast it according to these instructions (300 degrees F) to the temperature you like, skip the searing step if that's too involved and just tent the roast with foil in a warm place in the kitchen until you're ready to slice it. The only way to ruin an expensive piece of meat is to overcook it, and you may be perfectly happy with the crust you get from the 300 degree oven.
December 26, 2015
I used this recipe with a top loin roast. It worked really well. Family raved about the compound butter. Looking forward to trying the method with pork roasts, as well. I found this article, which was published with the original recipe on, to be quite helpful. ;o)
Stephanie A.
December 25, 2015
I decided to try this recipe with a boneless leg of lamb for Christmas Eve, and it was a huge success! I didn't leave it out of the oven very long...about 30 minutes while I scurried around finishing the rest of the dinner, but then I seared it for about 12 minutes at 475 degrees. The entire family raved about the lamb, from my 96 and 94-year old parents to my 22-year old daughter! The meat was pink and juicy (I cooked it just shy of medium because the family doesn't like medium rare lamb), and the crust was yummy. I will definitely use this method again. Thanks, Food52!
July 13, 2015
One hour at room might as well take it straight from the frig to the oven. This raises the internal roast temp not one iota. Check out serious The "food lab" explains how to cook the "perfect prime rib".
January 19, 2015
Wow - this was amazing! My only complaint is that we devoured it and there were no leftovers!
December 27, 2014
So I made this last night and it really turned out perfectly! I mean, it came out exactly like the picture! I had an 8 lb bone-in rib roast and I cooked it at 300 degrees (convect bake) for about an hour and a half. I then seared it in a cast-iron pan and it was a beautiful rare throughout. Another 10-15 minutes would have made it medium rare. The only thing I changed was that I swapped out the mustard for grated horseradish and omitted the worcestershire. Salty, tangy and amazing! My favorite part of this "sear-after" technique is that the meat was rare from end to center. I hate when the outside part of the meat near the edges is well done and the center is rare. This is definitely the way to make Prime Rib!
December 26, 2014
I followed the cooking method but used a 4 1/2 lb rib eye roast and it was great. It took about an hour and forty five minutes to reach 115 degrees, I pulled it out for 20 minutes then 10 minutes more at 475 degrees until it reached 130 degrees. It was a nice medium rare and beautifully seared. I highly recommend using your range hood vent during the sear. I forgot to turn mine on and set off the smoke detectors.
December 24, 2014
I would do 15 mins on oven and 15 mins low heat on seating to get it more med
Rare... Mine turned out too rare just like pic ... If u want it more well cooked
Rare... Mine turned out too rare just like pic ... If u want it more well cooked
Gina C.
December 24, 2014
I just made a 12lb with bone (total of 5 ribs) and it took 2 2 1/2 hours to cook and sear to rare 125 degrees. Again, this is just my experience and different thickness may affect your time. And boy, does my kitchen smell amazing!!!
Patti R.
December 24, 2014
My rib is just under 14 lbs, I had the butcher take the bones off and tied them back on. How long will it take at 300?
Kristen M.
December 24, 2014
Hi Patti, please see my answer to butterbabe below -- it's really important to go by temperature and not time, so hopefully you have a good instant-read or roasting thermometer. For that size roast, I would start checking after about an hour to gauge how far it has to go.
December 24, 2014
Understanding that every roast is different - but I'm just wondering if there is a *ballpark* for even just loosely estimating times. I know the 2 hour window allows for latitude, but if you don't know if it will take 2 hours or 5 hours to cook to temp, then that 2 hour window doesn't really help. Any loose guidelines for estimating (within an hour or so) when to pop it in the oven?
December 24, 2014
Sorry - should have clarified: loose guidelines for bone in roasts, and/or larger roasts. Thanks!
Kristen M.
December 24, 2014
You could get a rough estimate based on the time and weight here: 15-20 minutes/pound at 300 degrees F. But using a thermometer is the only way to be sure, since even a very large roast will be likely be longer, rather than much thicker, plus there will be variations in initial roast temperature, the roasting pan, the meat, the oven. Thank goodness for that extra 2-hour window! (And, as Curry pointed out in Fine Cooking, the 2-hour limit is a USDA guideline, which errs on the conservative side.) I don't think it would be wildly different for bone-in roasts (I've heard that they cook faster, as the bone helps conduct heat into the roast but I haven't done side-by-side comparisons myself).
December 25, 2014
Thanks for the rough estimate - that gave me a window in which to get it into the oven, and I relied on the thermometer for when to take it out. Great technique!
Sam R.
December 23, 2014
so are we using both the brown butter and the clarified part of the butter or just the clarified butter?
Kristen M.
December 23, 2014
You're leaving most of the browned milk solids behind in step 1 so they don't end up burning on the roast, but you can use them for something else (or you can just just stir them into the portion of the herb butter that you save for serving).
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