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4 Reviews
Oui, C.
July 29, 2016
Let me refresh the skids on this dish. What a coup this is. Its 91° 6pm pdst. No garbage disposal yet w the remodel and we are exhausted from moving in. Food52 to the rescue w seaweed, kale and cucumber. With CSA, kale arriving every week in our basket, this fit the bill. Having received fresh smoked salmon this week, caught this week from Alaska, the addition of 2ozs. shredded salmon over the salad, was not too shabby. So thank you Kendra, oh so much. 5 ? to you.
this wasba great
this wasba great
January 21, 2015
I'm no seaweed expert, but I wouldn't substitute nori for wakame. Nori will get limp and almost disintegrate when it touches the dressing. The taste and texture are different. You could make the rest of the salad and toss it with the dressing, then sprinkle cut nori on top, just before serving (forget the wakame). It won't taste the same, but it'd be interesting. In fact, I have some sheets of nori, and a couple of cucumbers that need using ... !
January 21, 2015
I have nori on hand. Do you know if it would work as a substitute for the wakame?
January 12, 2015
I'm getting pretty tired of kale-everything, but the rest of the recipe sounds lovely. I've been trying to replicate the wakame salad they serve at our local sushi bar, so look forward to trying this (sans kale!).
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