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4 Reviews
February 25, 2015
Not a huge fan of the tone of this recipe; it's kind of patronizing. And I feel certain that a straight peeler, carefully wielded, would work just fine.
Ali S.
March 1, 2015
Hi there, Gabrielle Hamilton wrote the book as a kitchen manual to her sous chefs, utilizing terminology and tools that they'd find in the kitchen at Prune. If you'd like to learn more about Gabrielle's unique approach to writing this cookbook, this review may be helpful: https://food52.com/blog/11793-why-we-love-gabrielle-hamilton-s-prune
Susan B.
February 21, 2015
I am disappointed by the fact that your photo clearly shows carrots that have been grilled/roasted, however briefly. This seems like a good idea, but it is not mentioned in the recipe and further searching for the recipe on another site shows carrots that are NOT browned up. I guess you thought we wouldn't notice.
Ali S.
March 1, 2015
Hi Susan: We did take liberties with the recipe, and the carrots stilled turned out great. That's the beauty of Gabrielle Hamilton's way of cooking. If you try them, let us know how they turn out!
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