Golden Rösti
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5 Reviews
February 27, 2010
This looks just like a recipe in The New York Times a few years ago, but which used rosemary instead of lemon and horseradish, and red beets. I made it several times and it was really tasty. The key is to get small, recently picked beets if you can, as they are juicier and therefore provide the liquid needed to make the sweet "glue" that holds the rosti together. I also found that using a larger skillet made a big difference, too, because the rosti ended up very thin and crisp, like a traditional potato roesti. You also have to keep an eye on the heat, and shake the pan frequently, to keep it from sticking and then burning.
February 27, 2010
Thanks, all! I'm always trying to entice my beet-shunning husband...
Jennifer A.
February 26, 2010
What a nice recipe. I like that you use golden beets here, which tend to be a bit milder, and less earthy than the red. good luck!
February 26, 2010
I'm no fan of beets of any color, but this is one recipe even I would be willing to try. Well done!
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