5 Ingredients or Fewer

Turmeric Lassi

March 17, 2015
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  • Serves 1
Author Notes

Turmeric is the best natural anti-inflammatory and I have found it particularly helpful when managing my colitis. Chronic inflammation in the body in the form of IBD, auto-immune diseases and other health issues, is hugely detrimental for your lifelong health and can lead to a higher risk of certain cancers and degenerative disorders. Therefore managing inflammation should be an important part of your lifestyle, especially if you suffer from one of these conditions like myself.

Turmeric is one of the safest and easiest ways to add these amazing benefits to your day to day. It has even been proven to be just as effective as pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories, but without all the nasty side effects that come with manufactured drugs. Plus the great thing about incorporating natural foods to combat health issues, is that as well as it having certain compounds that help certain issues, it too is full of lots of other vitamins and minerals that will give you even more health benefits for free! For instance, turmeric is also a brilliant anti-oxidant booster that neutralises free radicals in your blood, helping to fight of disease and stimulate your anti-oxidant enzymes.

Another of the great things is how versatile it is, I use it most often in oatmeal, but also in pancakes, curries and this vibrantly coloured smoothie. This Indian drink typically has a yoghurt base, but as I avoid dairy I have made the base a banana yoghurt (blended plant milk and banana). The banana adds a good source of prebiotics, so will you still be feeding the healthy bacteria in your gut which will help to keep your flora in balance. Plus the added hemp seeds also add a brilliant dose of your essential fatty acids and high quality protein, which will aid in intestinal wall and muscle repair. A glass of this for breakfast a few days a week and you will no doubt feel the benefits! —The All Natural Cure

  • 3/4 cup almond milk
  • 1 large banana
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  1. Measure all the ingredients into your blender.
  2. Whizz up until smooth and completely combined.
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy the benefits all day long!

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