
home made filo pastry spinach pie - Zeljanica

April 21, 2015
0 Ratings
  • Serves 8-10
Author Notes

This pie was one of my favourite Sunday breakfasts. My mum used to spoil us with a different pie filling, almost every Sunday. Home made filo pastry was a special treat for sure but it can be made with the pre made ones of course. I use those as well, but for this occasion I made the ones my mum would be proud of and the filling is green! —Jasmina Gajic

What You'll Need
  • Filo pastry
  • 500 grams plain flour
  • 300 milliliters warm water
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Filling
  • 500 grams spinach
  • 200 grams goat's chess / feta
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  1. In a large size bowl, mix flour and salt and slowly add warm water and knead into a dough. Turn the dough onto your floured working surface and knead for a few minutes. More than anything you want this dough to be soft and elastic so it can be stretched into a thin sheet. Once well kneaded, divide the dough into two pieces and knead into smaller balls. Brush the top generously with oil, cover with clear wrap and leave at room temperature for 30 minutes to rest.
  2. While dough is resting, wash spinach, chop it harshly and leave in colander to drain. In a large bowl, break and mix eggs, add salt, crumbled goat’s cheese and then add spinach. Mix gently and leave aside.
  3. When you have reached the size of your sheet, you'll still have the very narrow but thicker edges on the sheets. Get rid of them, tearing them out or use a knife to help.
  4. Sprinkle the olive oil over the filo sheet and layer on the spinach and egg mixture, leaving just the very edges so it can be rolled easier. Roll into a "snake" by lifting one edge of the table cloth, helping the filo sheets to start rolling first. Start rolling into a coil shape on the working table and once done, transfer onto a well oiled baking tin.
  5. Repeat the whole process with the second lump of dough. You can bake it in a different baking tin or add it to the existing one, making sure to follow the round shape. That said, you will have to transform the "snake" shape and do the rolling into a coil shape part, in the baking tin.
  6. Sprinkle generously with olive oil and bake for 45 minutes. Once baked, leave to rest in the baking tin for 5-10 minutes before serving.

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