5 Ingredients or Fewer
Lady & Pups's Magic 15-Second Creamy Scrambled Eggs
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185 Reviews
June 15, 2023
Making these a bit easier - whisk the corn starch and water together in small bowl, then add the eggs and whisk. Saves washing a bowl.
April 16, 2023
Taste was okay, but I could feel the uncooked cornstarch on my tongue. Not pleasant. Cooking three eggs as directed, I got solids and lots of slightly thickened “sauce”, rather than what you get when cooking slow. I prefer the cooking eggs with the low and slow method, it’s so worth the wait.
April 16, 2023
I often do "low and slow" which is really preferred. IF I am in a hurry, I use this recipe but I also use arrowroot in place of the cornstarch. I've not had any issues with any uncooked taste or mouth-feel.
September 9, 2022
These eggs are wonderful! I substituted water for milk and about 1 tsp of olive oil for the 3 tbsp of butter. The extra step of mixing the cornstarch with the water is worth the few seconds for the creamy results.
June 13, 2022
These eggs are great just as they are, but, big brothers being inherently evil and mean to little sisters, no matter the age - he's 83 - sprinkled cinnamon on my eggs. Much to his chagrin, they were wonderful! Just a bit, but just cinnamon, not cinnamon sugar. Now I put cinnamon on my scrambled eggs and omelets. :) Give it a go!
June 13, 2022
Scrambled is my go-to choice for egg prep, and this tip helped me make the best scrambled eggs of my life. Tender, creamy texture with no separation.
For simplicity's sake, I went with a straight 1/2 tsp of cornstarch and 1/2 tbsp of milk per egg. If you have a hand blender, skip the whisking and simply blend the ingredients together in one go before cooking.
For simplicity's sake, I went with a straight 1/2 tsp of cornstarch and 1/2 tbsp of milk per egg. If you have a hand blender, skip the whisking and simply blend the ingredients together in one go before cooking.
Bridget M.
March 27, 2022
This recipe is for people who are squeamish about the texture and flavor of real scrambled eggs. They don't even taste like scrambled eggs.
March 27, 2022
Everyone likely has their own favorite method for scrambling their eggs. Some like to use butter; others may use olive oil or bacon fat; some may add milk or cream. Some may even add some grated cheese or cottage cheese. Some like to cook them slowly until there are soft curds; others like them cooked until they are very dry. Every possible way that one can scramble eggs is appropriate, given their preferences. I see no need for anyone to post negative comments about a new method, other than to presume that they are the expert. If you don't care for them, why be rude? Why comment at all?
Bridget M.
March 27, 2022
How is my honest assessment of the results of the recipe "rude"? I commented because the forum requests comments. I think that my comments are informative and within the bounds of what would be considered polite. I actually wonder about the tenor of your comment.
June 3, 2022
I do not think your comments were rude. I think you like the slow stir and low temperature method favored in many high end hotels in Japan. I love that style too. This method makes fluffy eggs which also has its place. But if given choice, I too would take the former.
June 13, 2022
You are speaking for yourself, and should not generalize. I generally opt for scrambled, and I disagree. Tastiest eggs I've ever had.
In short, folks, give this method a shot. If you don't like it, don't return to it.
In short, folks, give this method a shot. If you don't like it, don't return to it.
June 13, 2022
I don't know about the first part, but I agree that they don't really taste like scrambled eggs to me; I've never been sensitive to corn starch, but to me it made them taste really strange. (Recently I started making scrambled eggs with Boursin cheese, and both the instructions and the addition of Boursin created my very favorite scrambled eggs ever; I guess it is to each their own, and my own is Boursin eggs!)
Joan S.
March 27, 2022
I just made these eggs this morning. My family loved them. Smooth, silky, buttery eggs.
December 13, 2021
Turned out great!! Used 5 eggs so adjusted ingredients accordingly.
Will definitely make again!
Will definitely make again!
March 12, 2021
Updated 2020/09/22: I have removed cornstarch as an thickening option from the older version because cornstarch requires a higher temperature and longer cooking time, and will leave a powdery mouth-feel. - Mandy Lee, Lady and Pups
September 30, 2021
I’ve found adding extra egg whites makes the eggs lighter and fluffier without the additional carbs and butter. Although this recipe is fabulous...
Paulina B.
February 22, 2021
Delicious! I tried this with a dairy free butter and almond milk and best eggs I’ve ever had!
Mark A.
February 22, 2021
I loved every second of the video. Even watched it on repeat. The relationship of these two to the food, the craft (of evaluating the method and the food and the instructions), and each other is a total winner. Genius, in fact! Looking forward to trying the method.
February 21, 2021
Exactly what I’ve always wanted from my scrambled eggs! This method gives them a creamy body that I’ve never been able to achieve...until now!!
February 20, 2021
Whelp. I guess I’ll be having scrambled eggs more often. These really are genius.
I’ve noticed that those “sous vide” egg bites they sell at Sbux have rice flour as one of the ingredients. I wonder if it’s for the same reasons. 🤔
I’ve noticed that those “sous vide” egg bites they sell at Sbux have rice flour as one of the ingredients. I wonder if it’s for the same reasons. 🤔
February 7, 2023
I appreciate this reference to Sbux egg bites. I have tried many recipes for a homemade version and haven’t reproduced the light fluffy texture. I’ll try rice flour. Sorry for the off-subject.
September 8, 2020
Truly creamy! Love that it takes just a few minutes from pan to plate, and it was delicious! Like some of the other reviewers, I experimented with the amount of butter to use, and even those efforts yielded tasty results.
August 30, 2020
I have made this recipe several times and enjoy it a lot. It is QUICK and it is creamy in texture while only having a bit of milk. For those who do not like using cornstarch, I have found that an equal amount of arrowroot powder works perfectly!
August 30, 2020
I don't usually comment, but these were the BEST scrambled eggs I have ever made. Easy, small additions made my farm fresh eggs a special meal. Thank you!
Yw Y.
June 24, 2020
I appreciate these demo videos Food52 made. They provide additional visual cues to the direction texts. However, I do prefer a more matter-of-fact videos without all the non-essential chattering so I can get right on cooking.
September 19, 2021
Yes — please, last thing we need these days is friendliness, encouragement and a sense of community.
Eeyore your role model?
Eeyore your role model?
Capitan R.
December 20, 2019
Too much idle chit chat. Recipe and technique ONLY please.
December 20, 2019
I agree! Too many sites rattle on about Aunt Flora's neighbour's neice's ex-husband who used to be a railroad worker and got the recipe from a lady whose house they passed once a month and she tied it to a rock and threw it to them. Then, she made it for a state fair and it won and it's THE BEST EVER!, but when you finally get to the recipe, it's only mediocre and you are too tired to even try it. Just get to the recipe and rattle on to your hearts content after that.
April 25, 2020
Yep, scrolling is a real pain. 3 inches of movement for some of us is a lot.
Why don't you two start your OWN blog and make it perfect! Because you are lazy idiots that would rather criticize others, that's why.
Why don't you two start your OWN blog and make it perfect! Because you are lazy idiots that would rather criticize others, that's why.
September 23, 2020
Well, aren't you the sweetest thing, bless your heart! I'm not lazy or an idiot. But, you may be because your rant is like that of a 2 year old. Because? Because??? What type of way is that to start a sentence when no one asked a question. A stupid way, that's the type of sentence it is. Go change your diaper and shut your pie hole!
October 22, 2019
The recipe is simple, is does not alter making scrambled eggs so drastically as to make it a "chore", or difficult. The results are dramatic.
October 22, 2019
I adore my soft, puddled, creamy scrambled eggs. Anything else IMO is an insult to the egg. I followed the recipe exactly, and wanting to provide a bit of a test, purposely dropped my toast a bit later than normal, so the eggs had to sit in the hot pan, off-heat while my toaster was working. Having buttered the hot, crispy slices, I carefully slid the gorgeous, still perfect appearing eggs onto the plate. They were still steamy, and just as soft, and creamy as when removed from the heat. It had been a good 90 or so seconds since doing so. I was amazed. I added pepper. and to 1/2, a small amount of fine cheddar shreds. The cheese soon began to melt, a very good sign. Time to go in, I was in complete awe. The eggs were absolutely perfect in every way; soft, smooth, creamy, very warm and a drop of golden liquid falling back on the plate as I reveled in this most simple of pleasures. Never again will my eggs face a hot pan without this recipe. I will always have my eggs my way, even when having the whole family over for a Sunday brunch. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I used a heavy non-stick skillet, and set my glass cook-top on 5 (out of 9) for the cooking. My cook top gets very hot, setting 5 is what I normally use for browning. It was perfect for these eggs, as the cook time was so brief, and I was tilting the pan continually. The pan only sat still on the burner for 10-15 seconds.
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