Make Ahead

Summer in the bowl

June 18, 2015
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Photo by anka
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

If there is something that says summer, on the top of the list is tomatoes and basil, fresh from the garden.

Easy to make and if you don't want there is not even cooking involved.


  • 6 tomatoes
  • 15-20 basil leaves
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 medium green zucchini or 4 yellow
  • 6 cups spinach ( one pound )
  1. Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds and dice.
  2. Wash, dry and chop basil leaves.
  3. Mince garlic.
  4. Put everything in mixing bowl, add salt, pepper and olive oil. Mix and keep on the side.
  5. Raw. Wash and slice zucchini lengthwise into noodles using the mandolin (you can use the vegetable peeler). Mix zucchini noodles with tomato and basil mixture.If you like softer zucchini mix with sauce 1-2 hours before serving.
  6. Warm with spinach. Cut zucchini into french fray size. Wash and dry spinach. Heat some oil from tomatoes and basil mix, add zucchini and saute 1-2 minutes. Add rest of tomatoes mix and spinach. It is ready when everything is heated through and spinach is wilted.

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