5 Ingredients or Fewer
Lemon Lime Margaritas
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23 Reviews
April 5, 2014
This looks so good! We have a similar margarita but we made it with sparkling water so it has a little bit of effervescence! It's so good! http://www.veganosity.com/drinks/happy-hour/
John O.
March 1, 2014
2 parts Tequila to 1 part lemon/lime, 1 part Cointreau is standard at our place for last 35 years.
January 5, 2013
I recall getting around 2 oz from 2 limes and 1-1.5 lemons (medium supermarket sized). 2oz from each was enough to get a cocktail glass (filled with ice) full. Given you're not topping off huge glasses and assuming a single serving, 25 of each would probably be a good starting point.
September 2, 2012
I ended up eventually trying with equal parts lime/lemon/orange and it was easier to drink. The original recipe as-is is quite good, I just can't drink more than 1 or 2 of them as it gets a bit powerful. The GF is a big fan of the recipe as-is.
Even with modifications this recipe is a great baseline for a quick and simple margarita.
Even with modifications this recipe is a great baseline for a quick and simple margarita.
May 3, 2012
What a wonderful surprise! This is by far, and still is, my favorite margarita. Thanks so much for picking it!
May 3, 2012
This is is my kind of drink!! Throw a shot of Chambord in there and I am Heaven!
July 8, 2011
OK, between you and Sagegreen I can tell this will be a tequila week-end! Wonderful.
July 8, 2011
Your classic margarita recipe reads something like the original pound cake recipe. Gorgeous.
March 26, 2010
Yum. How'd I miss this one? Tequila, my drink of choice (well, in a former life, anyway.)
March 26, 2010
Looks great! I will sometimes add a splash of orange juice to cut the acid in a margarita. I'll have to give the equal parts lemon and lime a try...
March 16, 2010
Daylight saving time...late sunsets...warm nights on my mountain....alll I need is a margarita!!!! sounds like my kind of recipe!!!
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