
Summer Salad with Pea Tendrils and Garlic Scapes Pesto

August 17, 2015
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Photo by Wholesome and Savory Eats
  • Serves 2 - 4
Author Notes

This easy and simple summer salad was created during our most recent heat wave here in NYC, where turning on the stove or oven was just not an option.

This summer salad with pea tendrils and garlic scapes pesto gave me the opportunity to use all these beautiful summer vegetables I had on hand from my CSA and local farmer’s market.

It was quick, simple and healthy and best of all, I didn’t have to stay in the kitchen too long.
Instead of the usual salad dressing, I decided on a pesto which would use up the extra pea tendrils I had on hand. I also wanted to include the beautiful garlic scapes I received with my CSA package. Together they make a lovely green aromatic and flavorful pesto. —Wholesome and Savory Eats

  • For the salad:
  • 1 head endive - washed & chopped
  • 2 small cucumbers - cubed
  • 2 small yellow squash - cubed
  • 20 grape tomatoes - halved
  • For the pesto:
  • 1 handful pea tendrils
  • 2 garlic scapes
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice or 1 lime
  • sea salt - to taste
  • freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  1. Wash and cut the endive salad leaves into bite sized pieces Wash and cut the cucumbers into quarters and cut into cubes Wash and cut the yellow squash into quarters and cut into cubes Wash and slice the grape tomatoes in half Starting with the endive salad, layer the remaining ingredients or add to a large bowl and toss together.
  2. Place ingredients in a food processor reserving the oil Start processor and slowly drizzle in the oil Stop periodically to scrape down the sides as needed Serve and enjoy

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