Dark Chocolate and Walnut Zucchini Bread
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47 Reviews
October 11, 2023
I live in Connecticut USA so I bake it in zucchini harvest (and grocery discount) season. Just 2 cups of zucchini is the sweet spot, more gives you a texture problem. I typically use the flour I have on hand, organic white, although solid idea to use some whole wheat to boost nutritional value. Most don't keep buttermilk in our fridges, but it's worth the extra cost and shopping trip. For those who love mildly sweet baked goods, it may be the magic ingredient. My family is in love with this bread: TY Food52 and Thalia Ho for this recipe!
Kace S.
February 3, 2023
This was great and easy to put together. I used scant 1/4C whole milk yogurt to make my 1/2C buttermilk, subbed pecans for walnuts, and was thwarted by a lack of zucchini so I used a parsnip and two carrots instead. Delicious! It baked up in 50 min at 350F and tested done with a toothpick. Easy-peasy.
June 19, 2023
do you know how much chocolate (in weight, not volume) is needed?1 1/4c is how many grams (or ounces)?
July 24, 2022
I don't know why there are so many negative reviews. This cake came out moist and chocolatey. I did do a couple of substitutions since I made this on a whim... watered down greek yogurt in place of buttermilk, white flour for the whole wheat and semi-sweet chocolate for the bittersweet. :)
September 26, 2021
I wanted all the negative reviews to be wrong because it sounded yummy so I made this anyway but I must say they were right!
Unfortunately the only ingredient that shouldn’t be in this was zucchini, it gave a strange texture, very inharmonious.
Unfortunately the only ingredient that shouldn’t be in this was zucchini, it gave a strange texture, very inharmonious.
October 6, 2021
Actually it turned out to be much more enjoyable once it was chilled next day!
Raye A.
September 24, 2021
Delicious. Rich and chocolatey. I added a pinch of cinnamon. Do not expect it to rise too much since it only has one egg and not much baking powder. It is dense with chocolate, but I like that. If you want a more light and airy zucchini bread this is not the recipe for you. I used two medium zucchini.
Kathy S.
January 10, 2021
What a waste of chocolate! Followed this recipe carefully. End result is mushy, and most of chocolate taste is overpowered by the zucchini. Don’t. Just don’t.
August 23, 2020
I am trying my hand at vegetable gardening for the first time this summer. I have costar romanesco zucchini threatening to drown my household. So that's what I used to make this. I recommend using a high quality cocoa powder and chocolate. I brought this to work and people asked for the recipe.
July 25, 2020
First let me say that I love zucchini and am currently up to my ears in it. I’ve been testing different zucchini breads and expected this to be great. Unfortunately it was not balanced at all - I think there’s way too much zucchini in it and it’s overpowering. My favorite so far has been the Olive Oil Zucchini bread by Melissa Clark in the NYT.
May 1, 2020
Want to make this tomorrow (finally have all the ingredients after a ten-day grocery delivery wait time!)
But — Have a question! I only have whole wheat bread flour. Can I sub 1 for 1 with required whole wheat flour? May seem an obvious question but concerned the added protein/gluten in the bread flour might mess things up. Hoping for a timely reply, thanks!
But — Have a question! I only have whole wheat bread flour. Can I sub 1 for 1 with required whole wheat flour? May seem an obvious question but concerned the added protein/gluten in the bread flour might mess things up. Hoping for a timely reply, thanks!
October 24, 2018
Well... didn't appeal to us.... We love all the ingredients... But seemed way over the top chocolatey... We ate it, but I would not make it again.
August 31, 2018
I made this last night, and it's a delight! I used white sugar instead of brown, powdered reconstituted buttermilk because it's what I keep around, grated zucchini from day prior, milk chocolate chips instead of dark, and Trader Joe's cocoa (not sure if it's Dutch). The loaf baked for exactly 65 minutes and it is so moist and delicious. Love that the recipe was able to handle my substitutions - this is my kind of recipe! Thank you for such an easy delicious cake!
February 5, 2018
I followed the recipe exactly, but did not really care for the results, nor did several other adults who tried it. It seemed to have an identity conflict.
Nicole S.
January 14, 2018
Is there a non dairy substitute for buttermilk?
Lisa L.
January 14, 2018
You could probably sour some soy milk/almond milk with lemon juice or vinegar, mix, and let it sit for 5-10 min (until slightly curdled) before using.
Nicole S.
January 14, 2018
Thank you! That’s exactly what I was thinking. Just thought there might be another alternative I was missing.
January 13, 2018
This is fabulous! It came together so quickly and easily. I didn’t have walnuts and also wanted to be able to send to my kids’ nut free school so I substituted cocoa nibs instead. So yummy, I will definitely make this again.
September 29, 2017
Can anyone tell me how many zucchini you need to end upon with 2 1/2 cups grated? I have 3 medium size ones that need using up.... will that be sufficient?
Niki C.
August 30, 2017
Love love love! This was absolutely fabulous. The only changes I made were to swap out walnuts for toasted pepitas (I know, I know - totally different. But what's a girl to do when she's craving chocolate with a crunch?). That sent me down a Mexican-inspired train of thought, so I also added cinnamon and cayenne. Holy guacamole was this good.
August 20, 2017
I used nestle cocoa powder and siggi's drinkable vanilla yogurt (instead of buttermilk) because that is what I had on hand. Threw in some unsweetened coconut flakes and baked it up. So yummy! (And I agree, not overly sweet)
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