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Swiss Chard Stalk Pesto with Pepitas
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7 Reviews
October 5, 2020
What a delightful recipe! I happened to have everything on hand so that was convenient; I upped the lemon juice a bit and did not add the Pecorino. Can't wait to toss it with a hardy grain like barley, I think it will go deliciously!
May 20, 2019
After I try the original recipe, I am going to try variations using beet greens. I think I’ll need to up the lemons.
Linda E.
July 13, 2016
Thanks for remark, Queen Sashy. I haven't tried using the stalks raw at all -- all the versions I mentioned have cooked stalks. But I have had rainbow chard, with thin stems, and with these it is difficult to use the stems as separate veg. I have tried ways of cooking stalks briefly and then adding leaves, to get mixed dish, but I don't like these dishes nearly as much as the ones with 2 separate veg from 1 buy. So now I only buy the chard with large white stems. I used to grow, but have given up veg growing with age.
Linda E.
July 13, 2016
The Swiss chard I grow and buy in England has stalks that need peeling, both sides. There is a very thin skin which will come off in quite large pieces. That gone, they don.t need blanching.
My husband preferred stalks to leaves with chard. With tahina sauce; with Cheese sauce; blue cheese sauce, tomato sauce -- more. I hate to think of wasting all those stems, too
My husband preferred stalks to leaves with chard. With tahina sauce; with Cheese sauce; blue cheese sauce, tomato sauce -- more. I hate to think of wasting all those stems, too
July 13, 2016
The stalks I get are usually thin and small, so cannot do much with them but process, but wonder have you tried chopping them finely (I am thinking like bulgur) or shredding them into slaw? Would love to know...
October 15, 2015
An ingenious way to use some of the Swiss chard growing in my early fall garden. It was delicious served over grilled tuna. The flavor is quite nice. I will add some to salad dressings and use it as a condiment. I will probably be adding more oil to it as I use it. It's not pesto as we usually think of it; but it is very nice.
October 15, 2015
Salena, thank you, I am very glad you liked the "pesto". I have not tried it in a dressing, that is a great tip! Like you, I love to add more olive oil to this pesto -- we are big olive oil users. When I use it as a dip I drizzle quite a bit of extra on top.
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