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20 Reviews
October 8, 2023
Incredible. Very fluffy. Not sure why the condensed milk plus water rather than just milk, but i went with it.
this recipe makes A LOT of cake. prepare to party.
this recipe makes A LOT of cake. prepare to party.
December 25, 2019
I made this for as a birthday cake for two of my family members and they loved it! I only made two layers, icing covered it all. I did grind fresh cloves, which added a beautiful warmth to the cake. I did add a little extra maple syrup to the frosting to make that flavor a little stronger, but that's all the changes I made.
Will definitely make again! Highly recommend!
Will definitely make again! Highly recommend!
November 16, 2017
This is getting added to my personal recipe book! I went a bit heavy on the spices and substituted 140g of a gluten-free flour mix for each cup of flour. I tried to divide my layers after baking with the dental floss method, which I had never tried on a gluten-free cake before. The results were laughable and unlovely, but entirely delicious. I hid my mistakes with frosting and the cake was devoured merrily.
Lindsay B.
October 31, 2016
I made this for a dinner party this weekend and it was a hit. The cake and icing as written in the recipe turned out beautifully. Plenty of icing to do the four layers (but not the sides). Great flavor and texture!
November 25, 2015
Should I use salted or unsalted butter for the cake and frosting? Usually expect unsalted for baking, but maybe this should be salted because it's not specified. Don't want to get it wrong!
November 3, 2015
The birthday party is on a Thursday night.......can I make this cake on Wednesday in the morning.....maybe later in the day. Would i keep it in the frig or on cool counter....maybe make cake on Wednesday and frost on Thursday, day of the party. Help!
November 3, 2015
I made my cake last night, and frosted it (see note below) had it in a cake holder overnight in fridge. I cut a few slices this morning to bring to co-workers. They tasted perfect this morning/afternoon. Not sure about how it will taste tonight.
November 3, 2015
Just made this last night. It is absolutely fantastic. I changed the frosting to raw local honey instead of Maple syrup and I think I like it much much better. (2 table spoons) I guess I would need to change the name since the Raw honey is not from Vermont. ;) I was testing this recipe for Thanks giving and I think I will make 2 more! So delicious.
Thassia K.
November 1, 2015
I live in Holland and we don't have any canned pumpkin here, could I just use fresh pumpkin instead?
October 27, 2015
I made this recipe and used the batter for cupcakes (baked for around 22 minutes). They are delightful, and only get better after sitting a bit (as many pumpkin laden recipes will). The icing recipe made plenty for cupcakes (2 layers worth of batter so 24 cupcakes) and the ratio of cake to icing is perfection. This is a new family favorite!
Lucy S.
October 13, 2015
I made this cake for my mom's birthday last weekend, and it was fantastic! I opted for the two 9 inch layers. Big hit with the family, and was finished up as breakfast leftovers the next morning
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