5 Ingredients or Fewer

Pickled Jicama with Jalapeño Lime and Cayenne Pepper

January 21, 2016
1 Ratings
Photo by Maren Epstein
  • Makes 16 oz
Author Notes

Pickled Jicama with zesty Jalapeño, Cayenne Pepper, Lime Juice and Fennel Seeds. This easy fermented dish goes well with salads and anything cilantro! —Maren Epstein

What You'll Need
  • 1 Jicama, peeled and sliced into thin strips
  • 1 Jalapeno, diced
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cayanne Pepper
  • 1 pinch Whole Fennel Seeds
  • 2 teaspoons Sea Salt
  • 2 cups Water, enough to cover the jicama in the jar
  1. Combine the salt and water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved. You can heat the water in a saucepan to speed this up.
  2. Place the Jicama, Jalapeno, Lime Juice, Cayenne Pepper, and Fennel Seed into the jar. Pour over salted water to completely cover the Jicama. Use a weight to keep the Jicama from rising above the surface of the water.
  3. Cover the lid with a cloth or paper towel and secure with a rubber band. Leave in a warm spot for 1 week, then transfer to the refrigerator.
  4. End Notes and Equipment Needed Equipment Needed: Mason Jar, Mandolin (optional to slice Jicama), Pickle Weight The salt water is anti-microbial and prevents the food from souring while it is fermenting. Anything that floats above the salt water is going to be prone to spoilage. Some mold may form on the Jicama closest to the surface of the jar. That’s O.K. just scoop it off. The Jicama underneath is safe to eat. The Jicama will become sourer as you allow it to ferment. Try it every so often. Once the Jicama has reached a level of sourness that you like place it in the fridge to halt the fermentation process. The Jicama will stay fresh for about 1 month maybe longer.

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  • bobbie joh
    bobbie joh
  • Elle
  • Maren

3 Reviews

bobbie J. September 23, 2022
I have. made this recipe over and over again. These are wonderful on their own, or to perk up a simple salad. Delicious!
Elle December 23, 2018
How much lime juice please?
Maren December 23, 2018
1/4 cup thank you