Make Ahead
Ranchero Sauce
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8 Reviews
September 5, 2010
This was a brilliant Ranchero Sauce....I can't wait to give some to my gardener on Tuesday, I just know he'll love it too!
September 15, 2010
Thanks so much for the nice comments and the nice review! I need to make a batch - am out at the moment ... I use it a LOT!
April 15, 2010
I was just thinking about this sauce and that meatloaf with those eggs just a couple of days ago! I am happy for the reminder to make this. Where do you usually find your smoked peppers?
April 15, 2010
Morning MM!! We have loads of dried and fresh peppers at our stores here ... but I ordered the smoked cherry peppers from World Spice Merchants ... those people are dangerous! (thanks A&M :-) I love them and will re-order as soon as I run out but you could definitly use an ancho if you want, they are easier to get a hold of I think.
April 14, 2010
It was an endless winter here too. I hope that frost danger is past...last year I "melted" about 30 tomato plants!
April 14, 2010
This sounds delicious!!! Abby. I don't know whether you grow your own tomatoes, but if you do this summer can some using my posted Tomato Tomatoe will the perfect base for this sauce. I am planting my tomatoes on Friday...yipeeee! The planting of tomatoes and budbreak in the vineyard...Spring is finally here (I hope)
April 14, 2010
Good Morning Mary! I DO grow tomatoes, so I will be looking forward to trying that recipe. We had such a cold winter and my garden is way behind, hoping to get the rest in this weekend. I am a freak for all things tomato ... you need to make a trip to A-Town this summer!
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