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My Recipe for Herbes de Provence
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7 Reviews
April 18, 2010
It's fun to have a CA group of food52'ers who understand when I say the Carlsbad s'beries may have peaked, likewise the baby artichokes. Would any of us live elsewhere? CA, we are SO lucky. Meanwhile, I am drumming my fingers next to my repaired computer - Strawberries, hello?
April 20, 2010
We are so spoiled here in CA!! So lucky to have so many great ingredients year-round!
April 18, 2010
What a great idea! I have many of these herbs in my garden too that I can dry and use like Liz. Thanks for posting!
April 20, 2010
Thanks ChezSuzanne -- glad that you liked it. Sounds like you (and Liz) have wonderful herb gardens!
April 18, 2010
Thanks - I hate buying prepackaged jars of this. I have many of these herbs in my garden that can be dried. Very useful recipe!
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