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Zingy Michelada With Celery Salt
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34 Reviews
August 30, 2015
Great recipe! Another suggestion is to just use Lava bloody mary mix instead of all of those other ingredients. Just add the beer and you're done.
July 18, 2015
The point is, you created a buzz, I make it many different ways, depending on my mood but yes clamato juice works best for me. Why do people really care where it was originally made? Just enjoy it and make it your own way. I use Siracha Hot Sauce and Tecate beer, its very acidic so be careful.
January 31, 2015
I first had a Chelada man years ago in a bar in Milwaukee, WI. It was simply, beer and lime juice over ice in a salted-rim glass. Years later in Austin, I had a Michelada thinking it was the same thing-- surprise ! It had tomato juice and was much like this one, and I was told it was a "Mexican bloody Mary." Nowadays, everyone orders "chelada', as just a shortened word for Mi--chelada. SAME THING!!!! ADn it is NOT Texas, as every bar in large cities in Mexico serves it.
January 31, 2015
Oh I forgot-- the Milwaukee Chelada also had Tabasco. And I ordered it because I had always really liked Tecate beer, whihc is taken with lime and salt
Eugene A.
December 18, 2016
The makers of Tecate beer started the lime and salt and the use to advertise it calling it the Margarita of beers
December 18, 2016
I doubt that-- I've never heard tecate called the margarita of beers. I've been drinking it with or w/o lime and slat for 30+ years. Where or where did u get that tidbit of info.?
Eugene A.
December 18, 2016
I saw the advertisement myself in 1977 as I crossed the border at Brownsville TX. And Matamoros Tamaulipas and sense I could already read Spanish from living in Costa Rica for 9 years so I know what the sing said, so you can doubt all you want. And for your info Tecate started that about 60 years ago. Así que disfrutas tu día y tomate otra cerveza Señora Mary.
December 19, 2016
It was either short-lived or non existent (which I believe. I was living in Brownsville and Houston then and never saw it.) Es posible que no entendiste biesn y ntu espanol no ers bueno en esos dias. Ahora simplemente busca eso en el internet y no encotrara nada! Sera un fantasia. ADios y olvidalo no es tan mportante
Eugene A.
December 19, 2016
Yo tengo 55 años de edad y aprendí español cuando yo tenía 5 años de edad y yo tenía 11 años de hablar, leer y escribir en español cuando lo vi. Simplemente porque usted no lo vio no quiere decir que no existía.
January 29, 2014
This is a Texas thing, not Mexico. This drink is called a Chelada which is made like a Bloody Mary. The Michelada is made like a margarita, served with a salted ring as well.
December 30, 2013
no ice. use clamato juice. beer, I like bud light lime. and if you want a buzz, just do a tequila shooter. great
May 5, 2013
Micheladas with ice??????. Where in Mexico are the micheladas served with ice????? Canned Modelo beer is Ideal????.
March 30, 2013
This recipe is definitely a bloody beer, and a tasty one at that, but absolutely not a michelada. At least not the way they are made in Mexico.
January 29, 2014
the whole point of them is that they are prepared differently everywhere you go. there is no strict way of doing it and no two bars would make them the same
July 5, 2011
I made these for a holiday bbq yesterday and they are fabulous! I'd never had one before and now may prefer them to their big sister Mary. So refreshing, perfect for hot summer afternoons/evenings. Will be making again and again. Thanks for a great recipe.
November 8, 2009
Oh, this was go-o-o-d... As good at the best Michelada I've had in a restaurant. I understand the hub-bub of 'not original' but, good is good... I used a coarse Hawaiian smoked red salt, combined with Portillo's Chicago hot dog salt for the rim, and Cholula for the hot sauce. Then, as I drink it down, a little more beer... a little more juice... Winner!
November 8, 2009
try adding less tabasco and instead, add white pepper to substitute. The best micheladas have the simplest recipes: 3 parts beer to 1 1/2 parts tomato juice mixture. The tomato juice mix should be simple: hot tomato juice (if you can get it), mix 3 parts tomato juice with 1 part lime juice, add salt and white pepper to taste. If you cant get hot juice, add tabasco to make it spicy. You can add about 1 tsp worcestershire sauce, but i dont really think it needs it! ENJOY
November 8, 2009
A pretty harsh, and unwarranted, accusation gregp. As the wiki link you've provided states, there are many variations of this popular regional cocktail (just like the bloody mary, margerita etc), but the key to great tasting classics are the right measurements and proportions of the given ingredients. I came up with this particular recipe after much enjoyable experimentation and tweaking this summer and if it works for others as it did for me, that's all I could hope for. Cheers! TFF
November 6, 2009
I vote this recipe, it's great...if you have botana souce (tradicional from mexico) would be perfect!...and I prefer without ice!
November 6, 2009
At food52, we're looking for excellent recipes -- whether they're wildly inventive or great versions of basics that we think everyone would love. We understand that you may not always agree with our picks, and we always like to hear which recipes you would have chosen, but we do a lot of testing before we decide. This cocktail was delicious, plain and simple.
November 5, 2009
I made it for a family function and they all liked it second time i tryed without Worcestershire sauce I like without Worcestershire
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