Leek, Bacon and Goat Cheese Pizza
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16 Reviews
August 24, 2018
I used my own favorite pizza dough recipe, and used the red wine I had on hand. The cream really made this stand out. It was fantastic!
June 4, 2016
Yum! Thanks! Made exactly, except used the white wine vinegar plus water like CarlaCooks. Great little recipe
February 5, 2016
I made this and it's delicious. Except I cheated and used TJ's very good pizza dough. The best method for preparing the dough and baking the pizza I've found is to pre-heat the oven at the highest temperature it will go for an hour (I use 550 F), shape the dough using no additional flour on a piece of parchment, slide the parchment onto a baking sheet and bake for 5 minutes, remove the parchment paper (it'll slide right out from under the pizza), and bake for 3-5 minutes more. You don't think it'll work, but it does -- like a charm!
April 19, 2015
I just made this for lunch (served it alongside Amanda's kale and anchovy salad). I also sautéed the leeks in the rendered bacon fat and omitted the butter. I didn't have any wine open, so I used 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar and enough water to make 1/4 cup. After baking the pizza for 10 minutes, I added chopped cooked beets to the top for the last 5 minutes of cooking. The end result was fantastic! Lovely favors from the leeks/cream, nice salty crunch from the bacon, creamy yummines from the goat cheese, and some earthiness from the beets.
March 16, 2014
I've done your version twice now and want to thank you for simplifying the dish! I have the Mozza book and her original recipe has scallions and garlic confit to go along with the leeks (takes way more time to prep). Your version is true to the essence with much quicker prep, though I do add garlic while the leeks are cooking... The Mozza dough is fantastic, but again, fussier than the Reinhardt version.
Whitney W.
January 29, 2013
I just made this tonight (used my usual pizza dough). It was fabulous!! I did decide to add roasted beets drizzled in balsamic & I think it was a nice addition. Thank you for the recipe:)
November 7, 2011
Leeks seem like they would really bring out the flavor on this one. Check out my pizza blog at!
October 19, 2011
We just moved to Newport Beach from Charlotte, North Carolina. I have seen Mozza a few times on our way to Balboa, and Peter Rhinehart was a instructor at Johnson & Wales in Charlotte. It is very ironic that this outstanding recipe seems to combine our new life with our old one.
July 26, 2011
so SO so good! just wrote about it on my blog!
Pizza M.
March 31, 2011
Great recipe, made it this past weekend. I sauteed the leeks in some of the bacon drippings and substituted chicken stock for the wine, worked fine. Hard to go wrong with bacon!
May 10, 2010
add cream?what cream? u forgot to list in with the ingredients!
how much cream?
does sound good,though
how much cream?
does sound good,though
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