Make Ahead
Gefilte Fish
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7 Reviews
March 28, 2021
Made this today and halved the recipe together with other adjustments - fantastique!
Rita M.
April 3, 2017
On the West Coast, I use a mixture of equal parts salmon, ling cod, red snapper, and filet of sole. It's delish, and never lasts long. I also bake the mixture (total 3 lb) in a Bundt pan. A lot less work, makes a great presentation, and is indistinguishable from the ball kind.
Rita M.
April 3, 2017
On the West Coast, I use a mixture of equal parts salmon, ling cod, red snapper, and filet of sole. It's delish, and never lasts long. I also bake the mixture (total 3 lb) in a Bundt pan. A lot less work, makes a great presentation, and is indistinguishable from the ball kind.
Rita M.
April 3, 2017
On the West Coast, I use a mixture of equal parts salmon, ling cod, red snapper, and filet of sole. It's delish, and never lasts long. I also bake the mixture (total 3 lb) in a Bundt pan. A lot less work, makes a great presentation, and is indistinguishable from the ball kind.
Dan C.
April 14, 2016
What wonderful nostalgia! Brings back memories from over 60 years ago, watching my father hand grind raw fish into an old wooden bowl, for our family seder's gefilte fish. Sweet memory!
April 14, 2016
Grew up wit a carp swimming in the tub. Until one day would come home from school and it was swimming in a pot.
April 13, 2016
Sugar in gefilte fish? Must be from Poland. But, anyone who would put sugar in gefilte fish would put scorpions in a baby' bed!
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