Turkish flatbread with fresh mozzarella and za-atar greens
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10 Reviews
Jeremy L.
March 30, 2015
Made this for a second time now. I used feta instead of mozzarella which came out better in my opinion.
July 2, 2010
I love the look of this recipe--however, I am not sure what Za-atar is. I think from my internet search its a spice blend. is that correct? Is it a specialty markets? I wanna try this recipe!
July 2, 2010
Hi slulibby! Yup, it's a spice blend, usually available in Middle Eastern/Mediterranean specialty markets. It generally has sumac, sesame, marjoram, thyme, and oregano in it. If you can't find any, you can make your own (just google it on the internet), and if you can't find sumac, lemon pepper makes a suitable alternative. Let me know how you like it! I recently remade it and used feta instead of the yogurt - because I had some around - and that was super yummy.
student E.
June 17, 2010
this looks wonderful! i'm going to make this tonight, but mixing in some kale with the fresh spinach i have from the garden. can't wait!
June 18, 2010
It definitely works with kale. I've tried it. It's good with pretty much any cooking green. Let me know what you think after you try it!
June 17, 2010
Thanks guys! I love the idea of sticking the fillings into a pita instead, too. Yum yum.
June 17, 2010
I just love this method, though, placing one dough round on top of the other, sealing and baking; we have a lot of spinach, garlic and parsley growing right now, so I will be making this soon.
June 16, 2010
Love it...a few days ago, I posted my pita bread on F52, there are so many ways to use them, thanks for sharing your recipe!
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