Make Ahead

Sauteed Zucchini with Panch Pharon and Almonds

June 30, 2010
0 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

This is an Indian inspired dish. A well made bowl of dal, some naan or chapati and you have a wonderful vegetarian dinner but it would be equally good with Tandoori chicken. Panch Pharon is an Indian seed mix of equal parts cumin, fennel, brown mustard seeds, fenugreek and nigella. I happen to like all of them except for nigella so I eliminated it. I also grind the mixture to a powder. —thirschfeld

What You'll Need
  • 1 tablespoon peanut or vegetable oil
  • 4 cups zucchini, medium dice
  • 1 teaspoon unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup toasted almonds, crushed
  • 2 teaspoons fresh garlic, minced
  • 3/4 teaspoon panch pharon, or more to taste
  • Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper
  1. Bring all the ingredients close to the stove. Have them measured and ready to go. In a 12 inch saute pan over high heat bring the peanut oil to the smoking point. Add the zucchini and quickly brown it. Add the panch pharon to and toast it. Add the butter, almonds, and garlic. Toss and stir a couple of times. When you smell the garlic you are done. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.

See what other Food52ers are saying.

  • MyCommunalTable
  • dymnyno
  • AntoniaJames
  • cheese1227
  • thirschfeld

8 Reviews

MyCommunalTable July 1, 2010
Sounds great. I agree with you about nigella. Fenugreek is one of my favorites that just makes a dish that much better. Have you ever heated up the spices first in the oil before you add the zucchini? I will make this soon. Probably this Monday. We are trying to do Meatless Mondays and it sounds good after a holiday weekend of grilling big slabs of meat.
thirschfeld July 1, 2010
Yes, I heat the spices first often but in this case because the saute pan is so hot and I want to caramelize the zucchini and not burn the panch pharon I put it in after. Many times if I want to use mustard oil and seed I toast it in a separate pan and then add it but in this case I didn't want the extra oil.
dymnyno June 30, 2010
I read the recipe because I was curious about panch pharon (and because you never fail to deliver a good recipe). Now I am going to try it. The CIA has all the spices...I don't know what nigella tastes like but I might buy it to see for myself if I like it. thanks!
thirschfeld June 30, 2010
It looks like onion seeds and I just fid it to be to bitter for my palate. A lot of Indian recipes call for it so if you like it it is a good thing to have around.
AntoniaJames June 30, 2010
Mmmmmm. Love it! We eat a lot of dal here, so I'm always looking for tasty dishes to serve with it. Really nice recipe. ;o)
thirschfeld June 30, 2010
We eat a lot of dal as well.
cheese1227 June 30, 2010
Thanks for the description of "Panch Pharon". I learn something from every one of your recipes. I really appreciate that!
thirschfeld June 30, 2010
thank you cheese1227 and you are welcome.