Make Ahead


June 28, 2016
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Photo by Eatingcasual
  • Makes 6
Author Notes

how can you resist a smooth dip, made out of your garden ?
Me personally, I never resist a home made Tzatziki —Eatingcasual

What You'll Need
  • 1 3/4 cups Grec yogurt
  • 2 lebanese cucumber
  • Bunch fresh mint
  • Bunch fresh dill
  • 2 drops olive oil
  • salt'n'pepper
  • 1/2 lemon
  1. In a food processor put all of the ingredients together.
  2. Its ready ! Taste it, add more salt'n'pepper if you want or a bit of lemon if you like it more sour.
  3. Serve it with fresh seasonnal vegetable and some homemade pita chips !

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