Rustic Grilled Corn Fry Bread
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7 Reviews
August 14, 2010
A bumper crop of blueberries and several lemons later, I can enthusiastically vouch for Madame Ferber's confiture. As a try-before-buy kind of girl, I found this on the net:
and have fallen for Christine Ferber. I will be buying her book. A caution--the author, Joe Yonan, reduces the sugar to fruit ratio, which is fine for a refrigerator jam, but not preserves. French law defines the amount of sugar to fruit ratio (of course) for preservation, thus the higher amount. So play around, but don't plan on this as a canning recipe. It won't last that long anyway.
and have fallen for Christine Ferber. I will be buying her book. A caution--the author, Joe Yonan, reduces the sugar to fruit ratio, which is fine for a refrigerator jam, but not preserves. French law defines the amount of sugar to fruit ratio (of course) for preservation, thus the higher amount. So play around, but don't plan on this as a canning recipe. It won't last that long anyway.
August 13, 2010
Looks good - would love to see your blueberry ginger preserve sometime. I'm a ginger fan myself.
August 13, 2010
Thanks. That recipe is based loosely on Christine Ferber's "Mes Confitures." We should have a ginger or blueberry week!
August 14, 2010
Thanks - I have that book too! Will check it out. Making simple blueberry jam this afternoon.
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