One-Pot Wonders

Chicken Thighs with Chickpea Ratatouille

September 18, 2016
17 Ratings
Photo by Elizabeth Cecil
  • Serves 4
What You'll Need
  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 2 yellow summer squash
  • 1/2 yellow onion
  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas (drained and rinsed if canned)
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more for the chicken
  • 4 chicken thighs
  • Black pepper
  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cup your favorite basil pesto, for serving
  1. Preheat the oven to 425° F and line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Next, grab a big bowl and cutting board. Chop all the vegetables (bell peppers, summer squash, zucchini, onion, and eggplant) into 2-inch pieces. Toss the vegetables and chickpeas with olive oil and salt then evenly layer the mixture across the sheet pan. Place the chicken thighs on top of the chickpea ratatouille mix. Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper.
  2. Roast the sheet pan dinner for 45 minutes. After 25 minutes, toss in the tomatoes. If you’d like, turn the broiler on for the last few minutes to brown the chicken skin. Serve with a bowl of basil pesto for drizzling over everything.

See what other Food52ers are saying.

  • Hark
  • Brunilda Sanchez Suarez
    Brunilda Sanchez Suarez
  • FrugalCat
  • ChefJune
  • ECMotherwell
Sarah Waldman is a food writer and recipe developer living on Martha’s Vineyard. She is the author of, Feeding a Family: A Real-Life Plan for Making Dinner Work.

18 Reviews

Hark May 19, 2024
So easy! Better with garlic.
Sherri S. August 2, 2021
I tried this last night after reading all the reviews and seeing the various iterations and comments. With summer, I have fresh herbs which I made a rub for the chicken. I expanded this to include a whole cut up chicken. The vegtables created alot of wonderful juices, which I saved, but wondered if I would have taken the chicken out a little early and let the veggies carmelize a bit more if that would work. I'll try that next time! I did serve with Polenta, and that rounded this out nicely. Nice dish, tasty, easy and thank you all for sharing your notes!
Brunilda S. August 20, 2020
This was an recipe to use those CSA veggies in my fridge. I used what I had in hand and made substitutions: Italian sausages instead of chicken thighs, great northern beans for the chickpeas, 2 medium eggplants & 1 zucchini and a combination of heirloom tomatoes cut in 1/8s and whole canned tomatoes cut in half to make up a generous 2 cups. I followed the same cooking steps. It came out delicious.
NXL June 21, 2020
This was very good and the eggplant was my favorite part. Definitely in the rotation for easy Friday night dinner.
FrugalCat January 28, 2018
I served it with chimichurri instead of pesto. It was a big hit.
Sarah L. October 25, 2017
I made this last night. I used much less olive oil (1/2 cup seemed like a lot!) and it still turned out great. Omitted the eggplant. I rubbed the chicken thighs with a little olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper before baking and the skin turned out crackly crispy and delicious. My 3 year olds loved this recipe, especially the chickpeas! (Who knew?)
Sarah W. October 25, 2017
Yay! That's great news. So glad this recipe was a success for you and your family!
Sarah L. October 25, 2017
Your recipes are terrific! I love your cookbook and it's really inspired me to try new recipes and ingredients. Thank you!
Julie January 27, 2017
I'm going to try this tonight with zucchini, peppers of many colors and cherry tomatoes. I'm eating paleo-ish so no chickpeas/legumes, and I don't have eggplant in the house at the moment...and I'm using a whole chicken. But I want to use your basic guidelines, because it looks great. Thanks!
ChefJune January 12, 2017
I'm sorry, but there are no chickpeas in Ratatouille. You need to call it something else. And no, you can't just decide that there ARE chickpeas in ratatouille. This is a centuries-old recipe from Provence.
Jenny C. January 21, 2017
But this is "Chickpea Ratatouille." So yes, you CAN decide that there are chickpeas in "Chickpea Ratatouille."
ECMotherwell December 27, 2016
Made this tonight and loved it! The chickpeas ended up nutty and a little chewy, and the vegetables were rich with olive oil and so tender. Because my family has medical restrictions on sodium, I played with some additional spices (marinated the chicken in olive oil, chopped garlic, lemon zest and herbes de provence, added some smoked paprika, herbes de provence and garlic powder to the vegetables) and was really pleased with the results. Yum!
Flexitarian September 29, 2016
Just made this dish tonight (bone-in thighs). This was great with fresh basil leaves instead of pesto. I love the apple suggestion -- will try it next time!
Sarah W. September 29, 2016
I'm so glad it was a hit! I also want to experiment with apples.
Linda September 26, 2016
Did you de-bone the chicken thighs?
Sarah W. September 27, 2016
Hi Linda, no I used bone-in chicken thighs which I highly recommend.
Allie September 23, 2016
Really enjoyed this! I had a couple apples to use up and added them to the mix, too.
Sarah W. September 23, 2016
Oh apples are a great addition - thanks for the tip Allie!