
Butternut Squash and Feta Quiche

October 19, 2016
1 Ratings
Photo by https://eattessaeat.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/butternut-squash-quiche-052.jpg
  • Serves 4-6
Author Notes

An easy quiche with a few variation. I serve this with a small salad with Molly Wizenberg's red wine vinaigrette. https://food52.com/recipes...Emil Lassoers

What You'll Need
  • 1 10" pie crust, http://www.kingarthurflour...
  • half Butternut Squash, cubed
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon olive, plus more for squash
  • 1-2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1 cup chopped spinach
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary*
  • 1/2 tablespoon fresh thyme*, halved if dried
  • 1/2 brick of feta**
  1. Preheat over to 375F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Prick holes in crust with fork and blind bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and set on cooling rack while preparing quiche ingredients.
  3. Drizzle butternut squash with olive oil, roast butternut squash for 25 minutes. While squash is roasting caramelize the onions.
  4. In a pan heat up 1 tablespoon olive oil, add onions. Cook over moderate heat for 25 minutes. Add dash of balsamic at the end, cook for an additional few minutes to incorporate. Remove from heat.
  5. Whisk together whole milk and eggs until a steady stream of pale yellow runs down the whisk (this is how you know the eggs are fully incorporated). Add rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper. Add butternut squash, onion, spinach, and desired cheese (up to 1 cup).
  6. Pour into pie crust, but do not overfill. Bake 30-35 minutes until edges are golden brown and center is just set.
  7. *Rosemary can be substituted for any herbs on hand such as basil, or sage
  8. **Feta can be substituted for up to 1 cup of any desired cheese such as goat cheese, cheddar parmesan, or gruyere (goes especially well with sage).

See what other Food52ers are saying.

  • Gretchen Schmidt Bishay
    Gretchen Schmidt Bishay
  • Linda
  • Emil Lassoers
    Emil Lassoers

3 Reviews

Gretchen S. March 17, 2021
This is a delicious quiche. I made it both ways and enjoyed them both for days, never got tired of them. However, I would not describe this quiche as "easy" when one needs to cook the sqush in the oven and cook the onions on the stove before combining them with the other ingredients for baking. No weight is given for the butternut squash, nor a measure once cubed (which would also allow one to buy pre-cubed squash). It also calls for fresh herbs, which need to be washed, stripped from their stems, and chopped. I realize fresh herbs produce the best results. None of the steps are difficult for an experienced cook, but I think most people looking for an easy quiche are looking for one that takes less time to make than others.
Linda November 14, 2016
Although I used a pastry recipe that called for less butter, this was still very delicious and hearty. I used a combination of feta and cheddar cheese. The squash took a lot longer than 25 minutes to roast in my oven. Next time I'd raise the oven temperature.
Emil L. November 15, 2016
Thank you for your helpful comments Linda!