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7 Reviews
October 7, 2024
These are by far the best spiced nuts I've ever eaten - let alone made! So good. So much flavor. I make them several times a year for parties and gatherings and people go, well, nuts over them ;) They aren't super hot, they're a complete flavor bomb. Be sure to trust the process. When I was first making them, I was overcooking them because they weren't crisp in the oven when done. Now I pull a couple of nuts out and let them cool to see where they are at. They do crisp when they cool. I've used pretty much every nut imaginable at some point or another and they are all great. I'm personally fond of pecans - probably because they hold a lot of the seasoning. I could not recommend this recipe more highly!
Carolyn V.
November 22, 2016
I just made this for the first time with equal parts almonds, cashews, pecans and walnuts (all raw). My sister can't eat anything citrus, so I used a ginger juice in place of the orange juice. I misread the salt, so under-salted a bit. But they are really very flavorful. They will make a great cocktail companion for Thanksgiving. Thanks! Louisa!
Carolyn V.
November 22, 2016
One other comment: there was a lot of extra spice paste, which I poured along with the nuts right onto the baking sheet. That caused some sticking. I think I would scoop the nuts out of the bowl next time rather than baking all of the paste. Or I could have added more nuts to use up all of the paste.
Carolyn V.
November 21, 2016
Louisa, there is a typo on the salt. I assume it's 2 teaspoons, not 1T + 2tsp?
Louisa S.
November 21, 2016
Nope, it's really 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons. Not all of the salt sticks to the nuts so it needs a little extra.
Carolyn V.
November 22, 2016
Wow! That sounded like so much! I used 2 heaping teaspoons and then crumbled a little more on top while they were still warm. They taste fantastic! You might want to add "plus" between "tablespoon" and "2" for a little more clarity. Thanks for the great recipe!
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