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Roasted Radishes
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16 Reviews
May 18, 2012
Sounds very good! I've never had a roasted radish either (on the heels of SDB's post below), but this recipe and picture make me want to - what a great twist.
March 1, 2011
Adding the onions to keep that radishy bite is genius! I just had this for dinner, and the dish would have been so blah without those onions giving it a kick. Thank you for sharing this recipe!
September 19, 2010
i made these last night. the smell of the butter, thyme, and onion roasting among the radishes is heavenly. i gobbled them up with my fingers and without bread (even though i had some lovely levain on hand). delicious!
September 8, 2010
I LOVE THIS!! I've thought about roasting radishes, but hadn't gotten any further than thinking about it. This looks wonderful!
September 6, 2010
I've sauteed radishes in butter, but I don't think I would have thought to roast them!
September 6, 2010
I've only eaten them raw before this. But being as it's a root vegetable, it works pretty well! I might mix them up next time with other tubers and roots and see what that's like.
September 5, 2010
This looks great..I had the same idea about roasting the radishes, I kept it simple. I like the thyme and onions in your version :)!
September 6, 2010
Thanks!! I like your simple version too! I think radishes are pretty fun to cook. Would never have thought about it, had it not been a food52 theme! So thank you, A&M!
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